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Bringing Some Perspective: A Reflection
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  • Mirror said:

    Fans are supposed to love an artist, often regardless what the artist does! So, it's already difficult to "inject the critical thinking", but it you think that coming here with this arrogant approach is the best way to do it, you're totally wrong.

    BTW, I use to love Kraftwek, they made me love elettronic music! ;)

    @Paolot. This exactly the kind of herd mentality that "I" am trying to challenge.

    For instance Mirror really enjoyed The Knife's Silent Shout  but does not care for the new album much.
    Surely Mirror is not meant to like just anything because it has a certain name on it?

  • Lisa said:

    Compared to that, Goldfrapp in terms of "electronic" band, just don't add up.

    Does that makes sense?

    Why must Goldfrapp continue to be judged in terms of the electronic music genre?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Lisa said:


    I have to admit I kind of agree: I too really enjoyed Grimes' album, and thought some of the sounds were so deep and intense, it really brought a new dimension to the genre, unbeknown to me.
    Have you heard of Planningtorock?
    A very interesting one-woman project who gels electronics with violins and saxophones?

    Mirror has not heard of this artist. But it will do and will get back to you. Thankyou Lisa for being intelligent.
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:11:15
  • I love to see growth in artists; though, sometimes it's not in a direction I'll follow. I certainly don't sweat it when that happens. The glorious thing about music--old and new--is that, once it is channeled into our plane, it will always exist. Felt Mountain will always be a part of this world, this forum, and the people with whom you shared it. Why discard all of that because something new, and unpleasing to you, has come into being?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:10:51
  • Mirror said:

    I was wondering whether Goldfrapp can still be considered an electronic band?

    Now? Probably not.

    This is the thing about music. I loved Grimes so much and had the same semi-revelation as you when I heard her for the first time. I still like her work now but for me she's already in the dust of others such as Holly Herndon who is moving it all on to completely new places again. Her "Movement" album has very few direct DNA links to work back from.

    Does that make Grimes any worse when you take a step back and compare? No, of course not.

    Artists are who they are and do what they do. Sometimes they can be compared and it's right to do so as a method of relative discussion. On this occasion, for me, there are electronic bands out there now doing things Goldfrapp have never done and I don't feel I need to stop enjoying one on order to appreciate the other.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Hm yeah I know where mirror and lisa are coming from, I was disappointed with Seventh Tree (people were calling it folk, wtf man) so basically I got my folk needs fulfilled elsewhere and enjoyed Goldfrapp for the music they make without comparison, it got me all flustered when I over analysed it.
  • Perleaseeee... people... have you never made some statements that you thought yourselves were a bit silly in hindsight? 
    There's nothing wrong in musicians trying different styles imho.
    At the time Felt Mountain was refreshing. Hell, it's even my favorite album ever. Would I like them to do that over and over again? NO!
    I'm glad they let go of the 'ten foot pole' statement. It's silly.
    They even played lot's of stuff from Felt Mountain with acoustisc instruments since.
    We'd never got Seventh Tree if they stayed true to their inital statement.

    I watched a brilliant gig by Portishead last sunday... guess what... there were tracks with Adrian Utley playing acoustic guitar... ehw.... scary, isn't it?
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:10:31
  • Lisa said:

    I wouldn't really say I discard it, as much that, after Head First, I'm just a bit wary of the artistic choices Goldfrapp will make.

    I'm very grateful they ever made a record like Felt Mountain, but I would be lying if I said there isn't at least part of me which thinks that they might not have "it" anymore...
    Sometimes bands should just quit while they're ahead, rather than drag on and then release stuff which they afterwards themselves admit was not up to standard.

    I meant discard future musical possibilities, as well as us. Didn't you say that part of the reason you left the forum was your dissatisfaction with their direction? As I remember, your participation in the forum far exceeded discussions of the music.

    Quit while they're ahead? That's a rather harsh and inconsiderate comment. I hope that you never adopt that philosophy for yourself. I've made both some very good career moves and some that were imperfect. I'd hate to think that I should just hang it up any time I fall short of perfection. Besides, I'm with the camp that believes that Alison's dismissal of HF was highly influenced by the rather negative vocal opinions of a relatively small group of Frappers.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:10:02
  • Lisa said:

    Mirror said:

    It's like watching an old sci-fi film - you just laugh at some of the special effects, even though at that time, it was probably revolutionary!

    i get that, but i still LOVE those old sci-fi films! and jason and the argonauts, just brilliant and in many ways preferable to something thats just gizmo'd up to eyeballs 

    for me anyhow :)
  • I'm a sucker for electronics too. But I've never considered Goldfrapp to be an electronic band.
    They're beyond that. They just do what they want. I've got a soft spot for bands like that.
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • (fuck, I'm slow.... my replies don't seem to make sense at all)
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    "I think it is our job to dream"

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