Hells_Bells said:^
Been getting pains in my right kidney and discomfort round my rectum so had an internal and I felt embarrassed about it but had to be done. She said there is a small lump there so have cream to use until results come back. Said I was worried about bowel cancer as I'm terrible with my diet etc, etc. Felt round my tummy and the other place ahem. Had to go for blood tests today as well.
Whickwithy said:To get to the root of the topic, somewhere between 1929 and insane?
Hells_Bells said:Feel tired and don't want to go to work tomorrow
KatRobin said:I'm going thru it too. I woke up and burst into tears this am..held it together till I made it to work and a colleague gave me a hug on seeing me, I looked that awful I guess. Won't explain, too long. I will battle on and sort it. Insecurity and paranoia are festering among the working population and it's becoming more and more competitive and unpleasant out there. Plodding on...
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