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  • 566 Comments sorted by
  • It's the recession , can't afford colour film , bless them.
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • i think its a song about lost innocence 
    "its MY favourite song"

  • I know what you mean - I like a nice dramatic high contrast with my b&w too.

    I think that's a personal/artistic preference some may or may not have. Good point, though.

    i think it also would have better echoed the artwork we've seen so far - the promo photos and the album cover are all quite black.

    on the other hand, maybe it was a deliberate choice to induce a sort of hazy, "faded memory" type feeling? hmmm.

  • ickygerm said:

    I know what you mean - I like a nice dramatic high contrast with my b&w too.

    I think that's a personal/artistic preference some may or may not have. Good point, though.

    i think it also would have better echoed the artwork we've seen so far - the promo photos and the album cover are all quite black.

    on the other hand, maybe it was a deliberate choice to induce a sort of hazy, "faded memory" type feeling? hmmm.

    I guess if it was just black & white it would miss out all those shades of grey.

    The colour is in the sound, that's what I like about Goldfrapp
    "its MY favourite song"
  • I'm usually not too fond of black and white, but what can I say, it's done so brilliantly with Tales Of Us that I barely even noticed. 
    No complaints, love love love!

  • tweety said:

    I guess if it was just black & white it would miss out all those shades of grey.

    all fifty of th-ARGH NO
    tweety said:

    The colour is in the sound, that's what I like about Goldfrapp

    yes! goldfrapp tickles my synesthesia like no other
  • I have been watching the video all day long and I guess that this video tells the story of an unconventional love affair happened in a past life. I believe that the trio of lovers have passed away in the past and it seems that Alison for some reasons she doesn't know (YET) is just following the steps of their lives, their love affair, their games, their house and their garden. She walks in the places where the trio used to love and Alison seems to be involved in this love affair. She follows the young naked lady that brings Alison in the garden and dances with her, she makes a toy plane fly with the help of one of the men, she discovers the bed where the trio used to love and here we see a "second" Alison standing at the window as the "today Alison" walks in. This makes me think that the Alison standing at the window has been waiting for a long time to be found by the "today Alison" as now she can join again her previous lovers & friends, getting naked and laying in the same bed with the trio. Sorry for my English, quite difficult try to explain this interpretation in a language that it's not my own!!! 
  • She already admitted she was Lisa. But, who really cares.

    Huh, where? If Mirror is Lisa, she must have been having a bunch of conversations with herself.

    Okay, this is probably a "Duh!" moment for me but, HJ, you can download from Youtube??!?!  Everything??  I don't see a button anywhere.

    No, it's a good question. :) You do need to get hold of an add-on which lets you download videos from Youtube. The one I use is just called 'Download Helper' (google to find it). When installed it should give you a list of the videos it's detected (ie the various resolutions... obviously you'd normally choose to download the highest res one). It's free and works with 99% of clips on YT. I have the Firefox version.
    Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-07-15 15:36:56
  • well well. FINALLY got to see it. ill have to have another watch. managed to download a full HD copy from pootube so i could watch it on the BIG telly.

    love it. its very sensual in a not super sexy way.

    alison's shorter curly bob is really gorgeous.
  • Una said:

    Oh god, just a bit! I can't believe all the web column inches that got and it's actually a really, really by-the-numbers track when you take the attention grabbing video away. Let's not mention that any more! :-&

    Hear, hear!
  • Oh ffs. Always on a week day. I doubt it'll work on ma phone. Ill av to wait to hear itlive I guess.
  • Oh youtube worked without stopping. Miracle. I was not over excited for the first minute of the song but 4 mins in and I likey #:-S

    im not sure bout the video, the endings w bit silly but I need to see it on a big screen. I do know there is not enough cycling in videos. Also I dont cycle that gracefully. Not when G4S go through a red light str8 into me and don't even open the window for me to hurl abuse at them. Ahem.
    Post edited by thathurt at 2013-07-15 16:30:48
  • Dont worry Bells, I didnt like much of 7th tree, they were still great live. I just had to pretend the may pole n hippy shit wasnt on stage
  • Wow, that was good!!!!

    I loved the ass action as well ;)
  • Watched it again on viemo. Ok why am I thinking of that crap uk tv drama The chamomile lawn? Ugh! Remove this thought immediately. :-((
    Post edited by thathurt at 2013-07-15 16:56:42

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