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Goldfrapp live in Bristol on Jun 23
  • 580 Comments sorted by
  • They all seemed to sound great but Utopia..............................bliss .........sigh. 
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • What a show - amazing! - that was some serious opener/warm-up and so glad I experienced it!

    Alison doing the pre-start house manager slot "...please, no flash photography..." a couple of times made me smile. "Alison here" commenced the second announcement, just in case we were in any doubt.  You can just imagine it back stage - no, go-on, you do it, NO - I'm not doing it....oh well, go-on, give me that mic.... 

    Even Maus was keen to get in on the act pre-start when she decided to leg-it along the pit to scare off those photographers (thankfully, for their sake and ours, there were no press snappers last night).

    And of course, the music - others on here are far more able to give a well worded and eloquent  review/critique, but for me, I just loved the whole show.  Each and every song fitted together beautifully taking us (&me :-)) through all of the emotions we are so familiar with from Goldfrapp's past catalogue, but experiencing it live - especially right at the front in such an intimate venue was particularly special - it very much was in our sitting room last night.

    Alison said at one point that she was so nervous and expressed frustration "you'd think I'd be used to it by now" - but nerves didn't show at all in my opinion, she seemed relaxed and very happy and, as 8bitcruncher said after it was over, all-too-soon - "she nailed it!" 

    Will was stage left fiddling with some out-of-sight kit with some other bloke for the first number - perhaps balance, synth or vocoder, fine tuning the distortion in Alison's voice in Lovely Head perhaps?  He then retired to the sound desk near the back and was still there post show chatting to anyone who recognised him, such a non-assuming nice guy, shaking hands with some of us and thanking us for coming to their first night...

    A truly historic and memorable evening - welcome back Goldfrapp, you have again delighted us with your creations - now blow us away with your new art come July!

    It was also really nice to meet some of you guys last night (Tweety - that was me next to Alex and 8bitcruncher) and Alex again, who I hope got home ok after I dropped him off in the middle of the Oxfordshire countryside!  CU again in Manchester.  M

  • Some great photos there! ^ looking forward to getting home tonight & checking them all out properly
  • thats an epic set. hopefully that means lots of songs to mix up with each night

    and im sure we will see the likes of black cherry and cologne cerrone houdini return

    thanks for the cool pics everyone!!
  • People, it's been 5 years. Stop bullying Caravan Girl.


  • the youtube vids look epic!!
  • Thanks for a great, detailed review st185cs. So funny that they brought Maus! (hmm, st185cs is kinda hard to pronounce or remember... quite cryptic)

  • That's no lady, That's my wife!

    LOL I didn't realise you we're on the forum as I would have said hello. I saw people speaking to people I know but I didn't want to interrupt. Anyway hope you both had a good time :)
  • Great pictures and videos everyone, I feel as though I'm back there again already.
    Personally I always liked Caravan Girl and don't know why it's so hated. Surely it's better than SOME of the stuff off Head First??
  • What a GREAT show last night.  I was right in front of the mixing desk and Will was there for most of the show; slightly disappointed not 1 new track was played but it was such a good show it doesn't really matter.   Had the pleasure of a brief chat with Will after the show - what a lovely, polite and charming man.  I also got a set list (Some people took pix of it which I think have been posted, but here is the scanned version - FYI - there was a rehearsal version which someone got which was slightly different).




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  • ^ Great that you got to chat to Will. I did once too, and agree he's a charming guy.
    Alison tweeted that there would be no new songs at this gig... I know not everyone uses twitter, tho it was repeated on here...
  • Reading thru all the posts, sounds like a great night!I'm never gonna get anything done today:D
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL

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