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What`s the last film you watched ?
  • 1165 Comments sorted by
  • Just scheduled a date next week with the boyfriend to head into the city to see Under The Skin. Very excited. Been looking forward to it for what feels like several months now.

    Carp, I hope you enjoy Noah as much as I did. Insane and bonkers are two fairly accurate adjectives...I also thought is was a bit brilliant too. The few friends I have that have seen it are split right down the middle...half love it as much as I did (I've now been three times to the theater to see it, rarely go back multiple times) and the other half think it's "insane bad". I would be curious to know what you think. You'll have to drop a post in here after your viewing.

  • Will do for sure. I even love "The Fountain" so I think I'm hopefully liable to come out on the positive side.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I absolutely adore "The Fountain"..I need to rewatch it. As for "the other" well...I know I mentioned PCP, but there coulda been a crackpipe lying around too.

    Dang! UTS is only released in NY and CA today. Looks like I'll have to wait till the 11th.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Is 'The Fountain' the one with what's-his-name and the tree and the big bubble? I loved that one, and I keep meaning to watch it again.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • iuventus said:

    Is 'The Fountain' the one with what's-his-name and the tree and the big bubble? I loved that one, and I keep meaning to watch it again.

    Yep, is indeed. I love the recursive and cyclic nature of it. Takes some doing to pull that off.

    As has been discussed on here before, Requiem For A Dream is one of my favourite films ever due to how much it affects me. If ever there was a film that quietly grabs me and then proceeds to drag me with it....then that's the one. I feel physically & emotionally spent after a viewing and it's months before I can watch it again.

    It's probably Sara Goldfarb's story that really puts the knife in. Sheesh.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Oops. The whole reason I came to this thread was to post about how thrilled I was to find that Best In Show is still my favorite comedy of all time. Watched it last night for the first time in at least a year and was in stitches entire run time.

  • I have huge respect for all of Aranofsky's work so far...but as far as Requiem For A Dream? Ugh...that's right up there with Dancer In The Dark on the list of films that I think are breathtaking pieces of work that I have NO interest in ever seeing again.

    Back when Requiem came out on dvd in the US I was just a young thing...19 or 20...had spent that whole summer going to these fantastically fun (at least I thought they were at the time) parties out in the forests and under freeway overpasses. We called them outdoor parties here in California, our way of differentiating them from the "rave" scene here that had recently gone corporate (Electric Daisy Carnival - WTF?!).

    Anyways after a particularly long weekend of back to back nights of being young, dancing til the sun came up and then wandering in circles while we waited til we could drive home again (I swear one morning a giant yellow farm house with white trim and wrap around porch fell out of the sky and crashed on the mountain road right in front of me, I drove right thru the living room and kitchen and out the back wall and then looked in the rearview mirror and it had disappeared),we decided to rent a movie and crank up the air conditioning and spend the day preparing to re-enter reality for the work week ahead.

    Yep, we grabbed Requiem (so didnt think that one through), it was the straw that broke THAT camels back and started our quick retreat from the life style. Probably one of the worst movies to ever watch while coming down. Scarred me for life and for that reason I know it's a great film but also will never watch it again

    But anytime the opportunity presents itself I would gladly watch Black Swan, The Fountain, The Wrestler, Noah or Pi.

    Aranofsky is probably one of my favorite directors working right now along with Spike Jonze, Christopher Nolan and Michel Gondry.

    Post edited by hunter at 2014-04-05 17:43:45
  • nymphomaniac volumes I & II......just wow
  • @hunter - wow. Putting that scenario with that film gives me no surprise about the outcome you had. That's a full on collision right there!

    @stevil - went to the one of the UK première cinemas linked by satellite for the "One Night Stand" as it was tagged. Doesn't the 4 hours just fly by! For me, and this by no means is meant as a negative against the rest of the film, the whole thing was stolen by Uma Thurman's 10 minutes. Just hilarious!
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I only have part 1 showing presently. Are they supposed to come simultaneously?
    Post edited by iuventus at 2014-04-05 14:13:24
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • iuventus said:

    I only have part 1 showing presently. Are they supposed to come simultaneously?

    I think it seems to be that some places get a launch with the whole four hour showing then a staggered pair of runs with parts 1 & 2 showing separately.

    Definitely better to catch it in one hit - works so well that way.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I guess I'll have to come go twice.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Uma was phenomenal....
    yes some cinemas played both iuventus 
    and it's on demand, both parts....volume II comes out soon though in wider theatrical release 
  • I can watch both at my local art theatre--just at different times. Should I take a box of tissues?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • it's a different kind of pain ....did you ever see SAFE with Julianne Moore? that's how it made me feel...uneasy

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