Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • Bring some water you'll be fine. :)
  • ^
    Boy am I taking some water!!
  • Just watch out for the naked stage-divers... messy!

    soz, I jest!
  • Feeling a bit emotional after last night. Think I'm just gonna read my book quietly (yes, yes, I can do quietly ;) ) in the sun for a while, maybe have a small nap, before starting it all over again later..... Crikey.
  • Are you there tonight then Laura? Sees you later
  • I sure am! Lovely, look forward to seeing you later. Hope you have an easy journey. What time do you reckon you'll be in Manc?
  • On the train home, very fatigued, absolutely still in post gig buzz mode haha. Thanks again Laura and Dave for twisting my arm to come last night , serendipity at work in Bristol.
    Still feeling a but surreal that come Saturday, it's dancing trousers on again, better give then a wash first though. And finally, a heartfelt 2nd time around hello to all the lovely people who I met last night , you can,all put a face to any posts I make. (probably in a 'tut' way)

    Enjoy tonight all of ye and anyone with spare tickets contact Pob and Dreeke - or direct anyone you know has to them

    Last night was splendiferous.
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Slightly depressed at the thought of heading home today after last night. No sleep and sweating cobs still but at least it was all for a good reason!
    Shall still be on a high by the time Saturday comes around :D
    Back to bed.
  • some of us have to get up HB!
    "its MY favourite song"
  • It's been a goosepimply two days....

    Meeting frappers, albeit briefly and being smitten by the new material....

    The wait for the box set is agonising now.......

    Post edited by chokka at 2013-07-19 06:07:11
  • on the train home. feel like its been a really good couple of days, the new album, the community of friends. loads of fun. even the loud American students in the carriage can't dampen my mood...

    *waves back at Manchester*
    Post edited by tweety at 2013-07-19 06:10:12
    "its MY favourite song"
  • Excited about Somerset House gig but bit anxious about London and the infernal heat
  • Sweaty in the 31 degree heat indoors. Tho looking forward to some fresh air tomorrow.

    in no way totally sad bout missing Somerset House. Sniff.
  • thathurt said:

     in no way totally sad bout missing Somerset House. Sniff.

  • :( to Rach

    (sending subliminal messages all through the night. Come to londonnnnnnn. Just get on a traaaaaaaiiiiiinnn... Someone will have a ticket......) etc

    Seriously though, it's a big shame you can't make tomorrow, but there will be MUCH MORE IN FUTURE!

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