Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • lol - thanks H_J - do you do ketchup?

    Haha, I'm reading that as if you'd asked "Do you do hard drugs?"

    "You know, man... I has my sauce-boy... pops me a dozen sachets every Tuesday. Keeps me goin' til I hit the big jar o' Heinz at the weekend. Dude, you know where I can score me some o' that Latino catsup?"

  • mmmmm  catsup
    "its MY favourite song"
  • "You know, man... I has my sauce-boy... pops me a dozen sachets every Tuesday. Keeps me goin' til I hit the big jar o' Heinz at the weekend. Dude, you know where I can score me some o' that Latino catsup?"

    Only the good sh1t for me brotha, none of that Big Daddies.  Heinz is da bomb.  Just like the ad, without Heinz we're gonna go hungry!

    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.
  • PS: I do have "some" blood in my ketchup stream.  :)
    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.
  • Lost, confused, adrift, you know, generally just alive.
  • Feeling a little sick still, but best i've been since last night (sunday) , i can't sleep, teed off with people in general (not you Frappers :) ) this place the only thing keeping me going at the mo... it's true
    Garbage don't have a forum so this my only home.... ;)
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • rewak said:

    Lost, confused, adrift, you know, generally just alive.

    If it helps...I am sure you are not alone by any means. x
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • I stink of marjoram.

    Odd, but true.

    There is nothing wrong with that in the slightest, better that than lavender.
    Post edited by Cervus at 2013-08-20 05:33:44
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • I feel ok. It's 2:39am here, (Southern California) and i'm wondering when i'll be able to fall asleep? insomnia tends to creep up on me.
  • Ouch.....I know that feeling too. Hope you manage to get some shut eye soon.

    I feel ok I guess....although it is 4 years today that we lost my brother in law so am feeling very preoccupied at the moment for my Sis and her family.
    Post edited by Cervus at 2013-08-20 06:18:04
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress! Stress!


  • Cervus said:

    I stink of marjoram.

    Odd, but true.

    There is nothing wrong with that in the slightest, better that than lavender.

    Yeah, too much of that isn't actually that pleasant at all!

    Talking of not pleasant, less stress best be directed at HJ!
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • ...

    Reminds me of blipverts....
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2013-08-20 11:49:40
  • My Wife has been a complete you know what to me this last 24 hours. Even saying i have to leave the house. I swear she is going mental. + Other family problems. Cannot be bothered when people start treating you like that for nothing. Look after yourself is my motto because nobody else does.
  • Deleted as i.forgot how many peeps dont understand satire . 
    Post edited by Sartori at 2013-08-20 15:12:59
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"

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