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Lucky Number 7: The New Album Thread
  • 205 Comments sorted by
  • I think album number 7 should be called "8". Total mind fuck :P
  • I think album number 7 should be called "8". Total mind fuck :P

    Pitchfork: "Why?"

    Goldfrapp: "Because 9 8 7"
    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • It should be named to accurately predict Pitchfork's next score. Probably something below a 6, because they're bad people.

  • Hahaha loving this Pitchfork hate awareness. Next album's special thanks: "Alison and Will would like to thank all the folks at Pitchfork Media for being total douchebags. :D :D
    Post edited by silverjet at 2014-12-23 10:49:18

  • I'd like Will to lead on this one.

    What do you mean by that? Will hates his singing voice and says can't write good lyrics. Or do you wanna see him on the cover or smth? :D
  • She said on 6music - off to India over new year then back in the studio for some writing! 2016 my bet.
    What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about?
  • Oh that's happy news! Btw, she sure knows where to travel! :)

  • Alison and Moog duets.

    some more moog action would be good.
  • ping said:

    The worst country in the world, some commentators say, to be a woman.  Maybe that doesn't count the Islamic State but, even so...
    Post edited by Pet at 2014-12-23 16:30:02
  • I think Goldfrapp's period of being new and unique has gone. I think all great bands have their breakthrough moment and then they have their period of success, but then it will either end in embarassment or a quiet look back at their back catalogue until retirement. To try and do it again never works. Look at Bowie. So I think they will happily trend the Tales/soundtrack feel for a few more years and although it will be of a brilliant quality the critics will lose interest and they will just play for their diehards.
  • Then again, consider Kate Bush.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • I feel like their diehard time has already begun. And this diehard, for one, is already excited at the idea of a 2016 release.

  • I can't think of any critics supporting their music expect for Allmusic and musicOMH. They're the most underrated band of all times, IMO, next to Cocteau Twins. Alison doesn't seem like an artist that would let herself embarrass her status as a brilliant musician. I mean, don't we all know how much she hates and regrets Head First? I don't think she'd allow a second time. Like iuventus said, look at Kate Bush, talent doesn't have limit or an expiration date. I also agree with Low, I think their diehard time began when Supernature fuss was over. And Seventh Tree and Tales of Us are my favorites respectively. This makes them a cult band, which is cooler really. :)
    Post edited by silverjet at 2014-12-23 20:35:13
  • I remember predicting their last album to be titled "Psychedelic Lesbian Orgy Gangbang"- still waiting to hear that one. Maybe they'll come up with ideas for that in India. Fingers crossed. :)
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • What? "Shiny and Warm" wasn't enough for you?
    If I were dead, could I do this?

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