Annoyed quite frankly. After spending a week looking after my sister after her operation, I get home after being stuck in a traffic jam on the A14 for 40 minutes due to a fucking accident (baring in mind it only takes just over 50 minutes from mine to my sisters). Get back to the parents to find the hospitals being using Dads arm as fucking target practice just to take blood out to test for an infection. This will probably be an infection they gave him in the first place as they have been mucking his medication up ever since the all clear for his prostate cancer! Stupid bastards, his arms completely bruised. I did ask if they used a needle or a harpoon! Poor Dad. :-L
Two night shifts then off for 12 days, definitive wanktastico news.
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
Pleased with myself. Had a check-up at the Dentist. Just a brief clean. No fillings. WOW. That should always be the case i am obsessive with cleaning them. Now the bad news, My next appointment is in 3 months. Why 3 ?. Other people go every 6 months.
May I suggest a stroll downtown to see the Christmas lights and a strong coffee with chocolate?! It certainly worked for me. Maybe learn a Holiday tune or two on guitar? With your own spin on it, of course. X
U R I E L What is done in the dark will always come to light
Shattered!!!!...Late night shopping events....Christmas displays being judged....lack of staff due to sickness and the ever present 'training' schedule...general stroppy rudeness from the feral public...not to mention being coated in glitter (and before anyone says not by choice :) ) for the past six months is starting to take it's toll rather.
'' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''