Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • Fed up that people still get personally attacked on this forum for having an opinion. Two sides to every argument in life but doesnt give people the right to call people names or whatever just because they don't agree.
    No wonder some long term Frappers on here have left as some people make it unbearable to utter a word without having the shit ripped out of them.
    I really hate this forum now and it's no longer enjoyable and there's more to life than being made to feel like shit coz people won't listen to others opinions.

  • Oh well done you. Which one are you going too? You will have a fab time and take a hanky to wipe away the tears of emotion you will get. I do  :)>-

    Hi HellsBells, Don't be disappointed on this forum. I still like it here, and I like people just like you, giving their opinion. Look at Felix' newbie-thread; that will surely cheer u up!

    I noticed your remark on my post rather late (I sometimes get a bit lost in all the threads on this forum - can't get used to all these threads yet but now discovered how to add favourites). I am going to Amsterdam/Paradiso. Feeling quite nervous to be honest; I watched Clay on the Jools thread and almost stopped breathing because of it - I am afraid I will need a hanky indeed. Will let you know how the gig is. It is only 10 nites' sleep away...
  • Really awful day. Eldest refused to go to School. Mrs started with me. Saying i am no support. I view that as, Not joining in with her trading insults with our daughter. Really did kick off. I am just downright pigged off with all the trouble in my life. I wish it would change so much.
    As the night went on i chilled out a bit more. Enjoyed the England game.
    Hells. You and the regulars are all great. Guess some people do not want everybody to have their own opinions and views. Thankfully i have not had any probs with anyone on here, YET. If i was to, I would just ignore it.
  • I canne sleep despite getting in from Koko at 230. Worlds noisiest budget hotel me thinks. And im mad at meself.

    hells I thought this place had calmed the fuck down a little since it first opened?
  • Just going back to my old. Look after yourself ways. So by doing that i feel chilled. Will be quite boring today. Nothing really happening. But as long as it stays trouble free i will be fine.
  • still feeling down, have been buying a lot of PS3 games lately got 65 games in total now.....
    also everyday starting to feel the same now & it's begining to get anoying :(
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Jozzy81 said:

    also everyday starting to feel the same now & it's begining to get anoying :(

    That's one of the most awful feelings. Hope you will feel better eventually. :)
  • Thanks Anoukvdm hope i do soon to. :)
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • I feel cold. But ok because we are back to being trouble free. Nipping out shopping later. Then watching the Coventry game on TV.
  • I feel like reaching for the razor blades after my media card said "cant be read. Re format". Over 100 photos I hadnt yet copied. It's a good job I dont own razor blades.
  • Tired. I slept and drempt alot today. Strange dreams of being seen in the shower and one where I was on some type of river boat. (?) weird. Was gonna watch "Eraserhead" by Lynch at the local indie theater...but decided against it. I'm afraid of his props and too much of the surreal already. I need some grounding.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2013-10-13 20:13:29
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Really been a nightmare day. Eldest refused to go to School again. Just as she did on Friday. Even had Police involved. That was a bad thing at first. Turned into a positive. We are getting more support. I am glad about that because she could go completely off the rails. Later on i am going to relax with some Frapp on while reading todays paper. Hopefully a trouble free life for me now. 
  • still down..... been playing God Of War : Ascension on PS3 today/yesterday bloody great game, really enjoying it so far.....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • It's my birthday :) Getting my first tattoo tonight.
  • Happy Birthday.

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