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  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • Feel stressed. I have found something out about a person connected to a family member. If i say anything it will be me who has started the trouble by being a grass. No in fact stressed is the wrong word because i have sort of been proved right. I will keep it to myself.
  • been out walking to clear my head again (must of done around 45+ miles this week.) saw a nice sunset over the local town & was up on top of a hill & could see at least 10 miles lovely view..... helped me feel better i must say..... :)
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Yesterday, I slept 'til 6PM. Today, I feel like a king.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Feelin' excited a bit. Because I'm going to my first Goldfrapp gig this month.
    When I told a colleague about it, he asked if he could come with me. Will be nice; he's really cool. I expect it will be awesome seeing Allison and Will.

    Oh well done you. Which one are you going too? You will have a fab time and take a hanky to wipe away the tears of emotion you will get. I do  :)>-
  • Monday bloody Monday. That is all :-q
  • I love the start of a new week. I have fresh energy. Working this afternoon then having a mooch around Leigh. Getting my sisters birthday present.
  • I have a job interview tomorrow, and my throats decided to close up today :-L
  • ^
    Good luck.

    Me, rather be at home listening to music etc than being at work. It's liking sitting in a fucking morgue but less exciting 8-X
  • Missing my chums today. And me mam. Been in Ireland for 4 weeks nearly. It's been amazing and I have had the best experiences, but I have no company in Dublin tonight, for various reasons.. I didn't mind being alone whilst I was travelling, but it's kinda different in the city. Actually, i dont really mind, but its dawning on me I'll be home again in a week and I'd rather be with others this eve to avoid thinking about that!

    I'll just chat to another Patrick at another bar.....

    (kylie is on. I feel better)
  • Um...I can't tell you about my day as its covered under the Official Secrets Act, it involved a nice pasty and coffee and that's all I'm telling you (...sshhh and some jam roly poly)
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Still feeling down, been out walking most of the day & got news that the boss hung himself off a crane at the factory he owned over the weekend, people believe it was the death of a 24 year old worker who died there just over 2 weeks ago that..................................
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • little better than yesterday but still...... just got to keep going....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Jozzy81 said:

    Still feeling down, been out walking most of the day & got news that the boss hung himself off a crane at the factory he owned over the weekend, people believe it was the death of a 24 year old worker who died there just over 2 weeks ago that..................................

    Have affected staff been offered any sort of councelling paid for by the Company. That's two deaths in one firm that could upset a lot of people? Not good :(
    Post edited by Hells_Bells at 2013-10-08 12:11:41
  • Me today. Still got belly ache and swollen tummy. Keep taking Gaviscon to help but it just comes back. Can't be arsed to go doctors as there a bunch of wallys and will probably lose any prescription they give me (see rant thread). I think it's all these grudges I hold giving me bad pains!
  • The factory of coruse as not been open since the first accident & now the boss has died i don't think it will re-open for a long time, i do believe the staff have been offered councelling has most liked the boss he was a very friendly & treated all workers like family, hard work but a very friendly atmosphere.....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....

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