HolyOwl said:
Just recently fell in love with her! Them beats! This voice! Her attitude!Marry me. Later perhaps.
Hells_Bells said:^
I dont Tweet my little Frapp friend and dont intend to ever! :-B
thathurt said:Is that Lorde? Jo_ey. Saw a bit of her on Jools Holland. Was great (except for the false nails. That makes me a c@nt for noticing that).
tattmaylor said:Sorry Chuvches ... this is how you do dark electronic music with soul!
Dreeke said:
Ehm.... Chvrches don't even try to do dark electronic music.....
It's like posting a Nirvana clip and saying Sorry Fleet Foxes... This is how you do 90's Grunge with teenage angst!
tattmaylor said:
It's interesting in the last 5 years or so we've had a bit more of that set up, but more focused on the female singer. Pop with an edge. Annie, La Roux, Marina Diamond, Ellie Golding, Little Boots. *They may look like solo acts but these girls all have geeky studio guys behind them, without which they would be folky singers of piano ballad girls. But it's interesting that although these acts all courted an edgier sound to their pop songs their follow up albums have proved they just want to be pure pop! Very infuriating. Although Annie being the one exception (but look where that has got her!)
So what are Chvches aiming at with their sound? Their sound is too interesting to be pure pop, but not dark enough or complex enough to be edgy, and not emotive enough to be ethereal. Sometimes it's good like The Mother We share but then on Gun it's like Depeche Mode backing Carly Rae Jepsen. With tracks like Science/Visions, You Caught The Light they are obviously not trying to be a pop band but then others they could be tracks on Ellie Golding's new album. It's funny you say they are the opposite of dark electronic music but the guys are obviously massive Mode fans.
I then put on Phantogram and it just seemed like the same thing but so much more interesting. All personal taste though.
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