Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 3229 Comments sorted by
  • Hi, chokka.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Hi sista!!!!
  • Happy that the Company has finally put new windows in at work to warm the place up a bit. The downside is they haven't filled them in properly so massive gaps under the sill so still letting the cold air in. D'oh 8-}
    Post edited by Hells_Bells at 2013-09-16 07:50:32
  • So hungover. I'm supposed to be doing this whole 'healthy' thing whilst I'm away.... But when in a gay bar cork and you meet a camp gay guy called Cian O Sullivan and his 6 foot Amazonian hottie mate Antonia, there ain't gonna be one quiet night.

    BLEUGH. I'm leaving the city on thursday. Will go and be wholesome in the countryside then.
  • Pet said:

    I'm feeling frustrated because everybody else in the world seems to have heard Tales of Us, but Amazon hasn't even shipped my copy as yet.

    Elliot suggested that I buy one from a record shop, of which there must be lots in London.  'Yes,' I thought, 'there must be'.  So I set out to find out on the Internet where the records shops are.  I went to the HMV site, which has a facility to find their nearest shop.  I tried that, it displayed the word "loading" and then... nothing.  I'm not even sure whether their big shop on Oxford Street is still open, and it seems a long way to go on the off chance.  So I googled "record shops in London".  That brought up shops specialising jazz funk, and all sorts of stuff.  I tried googling "ordinary record shops in London" and it seems to ignore the word 'ordinary', to bring up the same results.  Maybe there are no more ordinary record shops.  Not for the first time, I have a feeling that the Internet has wrecked the world.

  • Fopps off shaftesbury ave. Rough trade are also onTalbot rd. Canden has various record shops. Rough trade on Brick lane do gigs/signings/PAs too.
    Post edited by thathurt at 2013-09-16 17:54:17
  • And STOP USING AMAZON. That company are like a disapointing wank.
  • been told to day that i will be made redundant on friday my services are no longer needed....
    so not happy as you can image!
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Sorry to hear that^^^ Hope things improve for you asap.

    Feeling quite low at the mo....it is Mums birthday today so it is filled with both happy memories and sadness that she is not physically here to share them with us. I have loads to do today but I just feel like shutting off and visiting places that meant somethings to us all.
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • Sorry to hear about that Jozzy. Do not think, Oh i will have a break. Apply for other jobs NOW. You have way more chance of getting took on than if you become unemployed. With that the longer it goes on the less likely you are of getting something. Especially with all the schemes, trials, agencies and apprentice things. That said if you try and do not get anything you should not become too depressed. Your lifestyle would have to change accordingly. Trust me i know. I am only working part-time now. This is good in one way, Sucks in others.
    Cervus. When memorable dates come up for me or if i am feeling down or something i take a pilgrimage to houses we have lived in. It feels good to remind yourself of happier times.
    Post edited by cw37frapp at 2013-09-17 09:03:04
  • Thanks cervus & cw36frapp will look around.... :) but as for the rest of the week at work not going to do half as much as there's no point really as i'm been made redundant on friday..... right frapp-nation off to work i'll see you all later (about 10:30ish) not working any later like i have been doing....
    Post edited by Jozzy81 at 2013-09-17 10:34:44
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Commiserations and a fingers crossed .
    cw36frapp said:

    Sorry to hear about that Jozzy. Do not think, Oh i will have a break. Apply for other jobs NOW. You have way more chance of getting took on than if you become unemployed. 

    I have to do application sifts and this is true , it might seem unfair , but if a person is unemployed and applying you read the application to see if they`re applying for the sake of it ie just to get any job - we usually discard these and again it might seem unfair but its because that person would tend to use the job as a stepping stone and move on...............meaning we`re paying out for another set of job ads and interviews . We`d rather employ someone who fits . Sorry if some of this is `obvious` to anyone reading this , but not everyone accepts this , which is different from knowing it .
    Post edited by Sartori at 2013-09-17 10:38:53
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Hugs for @Cervus and @Jozzy81

    Me, distraught. My bloody TOU is broken. :((
  • ^ How can you break an album? :( You copied it onto other media, I seem to remember, right?

    Commiserations Jozzy. Hope something else comes along soon.

  • I feel, hopeful, excited that i will be lucky and get the 2 tickets that i have applied for to see Frapp at Maida Vale.

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