Isn't it incredibly dumb that such talented people, who have proven track records of excellence, have to beg for money and even then end up with tiny budgets? Okay, it brings out the best in resourceful people but I would be throwing money at them.
Same goes for me, Spark. I was wondering what it would be like to be in a position where you can spend money on things like this. For example the person who decided to ask Alison to be curator at the Manchester museum; someone comes up with the idea, finds sufficient funds and just makes it happen. People like that deserve a medal!
"to accompany the launch of Goldfrapp's sixth studio album"
Really? Are we still in the launch phase? I thought we were well beyond that when I was able to purchase a $5 mp3 album for a friend just before the Winter holidays.
Anyone remembers a show where they played Annabel with superb strings and the guy says... I was wondering when you would come up! to the string choir? I thought I had it, it was a radio interview