Whickwithy said:You know, if I were willing to believe (and cared about) any conspiracy theory, it would be that nature and humanity's own unintentional but very real and substantial stupidity created this virus in order to drive mankind crazy. You just can't get away from it! No matter whether you go to a website dedicated to science, fashion, variety, finance, entertainment, message boards, or, of course, the news there is just no avoiding it. So, everyone stews in isolation with it ringing in their ears.Worse yet, the virus itself is a real mind-bender and gets scarier all the time. It has varying reactions in various people dependent on age (maybe). It hides in lots of people that show no symptoms. There's no convincing belief that it can't be caught more than once. It kills in a wild number of ways. It mostly leaves children alone and attacks the aged with a vengeance. Weird.I was just thinking the other day of an outcome of this that would be remarkable, which means it probably isn't going to happen. Right now, the idiots that so desperately want to show they are in charge are the politicians. Only in places where the medical and scientific community are really in charge, has there been some level of success. So, the outrageous but, oh so gratifying scenario would be if the loud-mouthed, utterly useless (in all cases, not just this virus) politicians were thrown out on their asses and people began to heed serious scientists. Okay, I admit. I'm not really sure that would be a great improvement but anything other than a bunch of loud(est)-mouthed idiots with no justification or training to be in charge has to be somewhat of an improvement.I also, of course, love that the best plans from politicians, so far, have been from women. Duh. Beautiful. Most male dominated governments and politicians seem to shoot from the hip, blathering out whatever comes to mind.Let me just say that you wouldn't believe how much I edited out of this... You think this was rambling?
Low said:
You might think of it as rambling Whickwithy but there's a huge amount that I agree with in there
Whickwithy said:
The one that really stood out for me, Low, was the whole lockdown versus economy debacle. Real catch-22 with no good answers really. That was the real rambling ... that i deleted.
Urban_Tribesman said:A thorough and interesting read, along with several of the side articles.
It seems the most likely cause is we fucked up, naively dabbled in areas we shouldn’t have, run systems in our economies that are designed to maximise profits, not offer resilience and have forgotten that the health of the overall herd depends on the health of the weakest of that herd. Just as a rotten Apple will corrupt a barrel, so people forced to continue working in the pandemic; without adequate PPE, will continue the spread of the virus.Let’s hope we emerge from this having learnt a salutary lesson.
" HoneyColony is led by writer and conspiracy theorist Maryam
Henein. During the pandemic, she has spread coronavirus lies, including
linking 5G to the coronavirus; claiming that the pandemic is “a smokescreen to instill more control, vaccine mandates, a globalist world”; and pushing the empty hospitals conspiracy theory.
Her Twitter account currently includes numerous tweets promoting colloidal silver as a coronavirus preventative or cure. "
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