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Phase II of extermination is in progress-
  • 277 Comments sorted by
  •      You know, if I  were willing to believe (and cared about) any conspiracy theory, it would be that nature and humanity's own unintentional  but very real and substantial stupidity created this virus in order to drive mankind crazy.  You just can't get away from it!  No matter whether you go to a website dedicated to science, fashion, variety, finance, entertainment, message boards, or, of course, the news there is just no avoiding it.  So, everyone stews in isolation with it ringing in their ears.
         Worse yet, the virus itself is a real mind-bender and gets scarier all the time.  It has varying reactions in various people dependent on age (maybe).  It hides in lots of people that show no symptoms.  There's no convincing belief that it can't be caught more than once.  It kills in a wild number of ways.  It mostly leaves children alone and attacks the aged with a vengeance.  Weird.
         I was just thinking the other day of an outcome of this that would be remarkable, which means it probably isn't going to happen.  Right now, the idiots that so desperately want to show they are in charge are the politicians.  Only in places where the medical and scientific community are really in charge, has there been some level of success.  So, the outrageous but, oh so gratifying scenario would be if the loud-mouthed, utterly useless (in all cases, not just this virus) politicians were thrown out on their asses and people began to heed serious scientists.  Okay, I admit.  I'm not really sure that would be a great improvement but anything other than a bunch of loud(est)-mouthed idiots with no justification or training to be in charge has to be somewhat of an improvement.
         I also, of course, love that the best plans from politicians, so far, have been from women.  Duh.  Beautiful.   Most male dominated governments and politicians seem to shoot from the hip, blathering out whatever comes to mind. 
        Let me just say that you wouldn't believe how much I edited out of this... You think this was rambling?
  •      You know, if I  were willing to believe (and cared about) any conspiracy theory, it would be that nature and humanity's own unintentional  but very real and substantial stupidity created this virus in order to drive mankind crazy.  You just can't get away from it!  No matter whether you go to a website dedicated to science, fashion, variety, finance, entertainment, message boards, or, of course, the news there is just no avoiding it.  So, everyone stews in isolation with it ringing in their ears.
         Worse yet, the virus itself is a real mind-bender and gets scarier all the time.  It has varying reactions in various people dependent on age (maybe).  It hides in lots of people that show no symptoms.  There's no convincing belief that it can't be caught more than once.  It kills in a wild number of ways.  It mostly leaves children alone and attacks the aged with a vengeance.  Weird.
         I was just thinking the other day of an outcome of this that would be remarkable, which means it probably isn't going to happen.  Right now, the idiots that so desperately want to show they are in charge are the politicians.  Only in places where the medical and scientific community are really in charge, has there been some level of success.  So, the outrageous but, oh so gratifying scenario would be if the loud-mouthed, utterly useless (in all cases, not just this virus) politicians were thrown out on their asses and people began to heed serious scientists.  Okay, I admit.  I'm not really sure that would be a great improvement but anything other than a bunch of loud(est)-mouthed idiots with no justification or training to be in charge has to be somewhat of an improvement.
         I also, of course, love that the best plans from politicians, so far, have been from women.  Duh.  Beautiful.   Most male dominated governments and politicians seem to shoot from the hip, blathering out whatever comes to mind. 
        Let me just say that you wouldn't believe how much I edited out of this... You think this was rambling?

    You might think of it as rambling Whickwithy but there's a huge amount that I agree with in there

  • Best article I've seen yet on the virus.  I finally understand the difference between COVID-19 and SARS-COV-2.  I just thought people were being confusing....

    I think you should be able to read it in the UK.
  • Low said:

    You might think of it as rambling Whickwithy but there's a huge amount that I agree with in there

    The one that really stood out for me, Low, was the whole lockdown versus economy debacle.  Real catch-22 with no good answers really.  That was the real rambling ... that i deleted. 

  • A thorough and interesting read, along with several of the side articles. 
    It seems the most likely cause is we fucked up, naively dabbled in areas we shouldn’t have, run systems in our economies that are designed to maximise profits, not offer resilience and have forgotten that the health of the overall herd depends on the health of the weakest of that herd. Just as a rotten Apple will corrupt a barrel, so people forced to continue working in the pandemic; without adequate PPE, will continue the spread of the virus. 
    Let’s hope we emerge from this having learnt a salutary lesson.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

  • The one that really stood out for me, Low, was the whole lockdown versus economy debacle.  Real catch-22 with no good answers really.  That was the real rambling ... that i deleted. 

    I don't blame you. There will be a reasonable answer to that eventually... but it'll be a bloody long one  :P

    A thorough and interesting read, along with several of the side articles. 

    It seems the most likely cause is we fucked up, naively dabbled in areas we shouldn’t have, run systems in our economies that are designed to maximise profits, not offer resilience and have forgotten that the health of the overall herd depends on the health of the weakest of that herd. Just as a rotten Apple will corrupt a barrel, so people forced to continue working in the pandemic; without adequate PPE, will continue the spread of the virus. 
    Let’s hope we emerge from this having learnt a salutary lesson.

    100%. As devastating as this has been, it's really just a warning. We are ridiculously underprepared for a pandemic or new contagious disease. This is the time to buck up and get it right. If the day ever comes when the likes of Ebola starts to spread asymptotically... we need to seriously consider the worst case scenarios and have actions to take.
    Post edited by Low at 2020-05-04 04:52:40

  • I think this has brutally exposed the neoliberal mindset of exploit the planet, exploit it’s resources, exploit the animal kingdom, exploit your fellow Man etc. We have always been told that the lean, just in time supply lines are for efficiency, which is true, but it also means it maximises profits by cutting corners, reducing workers rights and leaving infrastructure unable to cope with situations like a pandemic. In particular, the decision by the UK to turn it’s back on Europe and the US to turn it’s back on virtually everybody has caught them out as they forgot that the ‘just in time’ model depends heavily on free flow of goods at borders.
    I’m also firmly of the opinion that another reason the UK is leaving the EU is so it can form even closer links with the US in a mistaken belief that together, they can resist the shifting of the hegemony to the East; hence Trump’s continued attempts to blame China solely for this crisis and turn the world against them.
    Post edited by Urban_Tribesman at 2020-05-04 05:39:50
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Low said: "I don't blame you. There will be a reasonable answer to that eventually... but it'll be a bloody long one"

    Very Desiderata.
  • 1. Spread brain diarrhea
    2. Sell magic potions
    3. Profit

    " HoneyColony is led by writer and conspiracy theorist Maryam
    Henein. During the pandemic, she has spread coronavirus lies, including
    linking 5G to the coronavirus; claiming that the pandemic is “a smokescreen to instill more control, vaccine mandates, a globalist world”; and pushing the empty hospitals conspiracy theory

    Her Twitter account currently includes numerous tweets promoting colloidal silver as a coronavirus preventative or cure. "


    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • I was just thinking that maybe those that do not live in the U.S. have little idea what is going on here as far as the news sources go.  I mean, I'm sure you are aware that we have a bunch of lunatics running the government but the effect of having this constant flood of vituperative back and forth in the news is really, really sickening.  Horror and outrage from one side as to what is happening and lies and more lies from the other side.   If you aren't very careful and realize that there are news sources outside of the U.S., it can derail your mind.  But, really, it's just the Trump debacle and the Republican party doing their best to destroy America's Democratic system that is driving the U.S. insane.

    I've always been extremely careful in only glancing at the news in normal times.  Even under normal conditions, it can get to preoccupy one's mind if one is not careful.

    Nowadays, besides having insanity ruling the country, there is this flood of right wing garbage news sources justifying Trump's lies and insanity.  It is no longer just Fox News that lies about everything.  There is a veritable flood of lunatic right wing monster news sources making sure, if you go to a site like Google News that aggregates the news, you are going to see an overwhelmingly sickening view of the U.S.  Sigh.  Why am I so fucking surprised?  Until mankind learns to be sane, stable, and rational, the beast always ends up winning.  It gets put down for a little while but it always comes back and rots humanity a little more.

    Anyways, the new sources in the U.S. are truly enough to drive one crazy.  I'm usually extremely careful not to get too into the news because it rots your mind and heart, if you overdo so.  But, somehow, I got sucked in.  Please, do not tell me that I should vote and pick one imbecilic view over another.  In this case, it surprisingly would make a difference because we are not just talking about competing imbeciles but a lunatic as bad as Hitler or Stalin or Mao, maybe worse.

    I was just realizing that you have few local sources that have become so frothing-at-the-mouth, and the Google News aggregation, for instance, that you see is not the same aggregation as in the U.S.  I'm still terribly impressed that England was so disgusted by Fox News (I like to call it Faux News) that they stopped their operations in England.  That is impressive!  Unfortunately, America is sucking up Fox News and becoming more brainwashed moment by moment.

    Anyways, thank goodness for BBC News.  It lets me stay informed without becoming completely depressed at the rot in America.
  • On a slightly side bar to this thread, it was interesting to watch the VE 75 celebrations yesterday. Many of the same people you are noticing pulling for one side or the other in the US were finding ways to equate the liberation of Europe in 1945 to the liberation, as they see it, of the UK from the ‘Yoke’ of the EU. Anyone with only a partially function cerebral cortex knows that, although the EU has it’s faults (the needs of some to federalise it being one) it is undoubtably the reason for 75 years of peace across Europe, (along with the UN to be fair); a continent that before was constantly torn apart by war. The UK had arguably the best deal of any country in the block; we retained our sovereign currency (thank God) and the contribution we made every year in funding was largely recouped in subsidies to Farmers and big construction projects. Interestingly, I’ve travelled for many years across Europe and you would see many signs in each town/city pointing out that this project and that initiative was partly funded by the EU, but in the UK, which equally benefitted from these funds, the signs were magically never installed; as though the very fact we benefitted from this funding somehow diminished us as a nation & a people, where it was more likely done because it didn’t suit some people’s political direction and ideology. Make no mistake, as in the US, the Tories hate the very concept of socialism in any form, even the NHS, as it goes against their profit, profit, profit way of thinking. Anyone who is familiar with later Star Trek, the Tories are basically Ferrengi’s!
    You could have split the UK population down the middle yesterday; those that were celebrating the war, with the Hokey Cokey, singing ‘We’ll Meet Again’ in their themed street parties; dreaming of a time when Great Britain had more influence in the world (unlike now where it clings to the vestige of Hegemony by riding on the US’s coat-tails as the schools bully has his acolytes that vicariously benefit from his reign of terror), and the people who; just like the people of 1945 did, were celebrating the peace; a state of affairs that many of them, thankfully, have never known To be any different.
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Yes, the VE Day thing was odd. I saw some stirring things, including some tributes to proper heros like the young people who had become resistance fighters in Occupied Europe. And then heard the BBC broadcasting people from somewhere-or-other doing a mass virtual singalong to that anthem to Empire and jingoism, "Land of Hope and Glory".

    It's fascinating how England seems so often to pick the worst symbols of Empire to celebrate itself. At rugby internationals, we have the Scots with kilts and haggises, singing "Flower of Scotland" as a celebration of national defence. Ireland boast of becoming an independent country. Wales dress up as daffodils and sing an anthem lauding poets and song. English fans wear pith helmets and Crusader costumes, and sing a spiritual stolen from the African Americans they traded into slavery....

  • Which spiritual?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • I assume you are talking about ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ Whisp?
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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