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Phase II of extermination is in progress-
  • 277 Comments sorted by
  • Unfortunately it’s our own governments testing out the 5g spectrum of microwaves on us. Each affected Country was assigned different parts of the frequency spectrum to test. I have a list of it somewhere. This has been planned for years- the UN’s Agenda 21. They’re irradiating us. If you know anything about what the military does- the Active Denial system and Voice to Skull technology..you would see it. The Electromagnetic Radiation clots your blood, it stacks your red blood cells in chains. You lose sense of smell and taste, start gasping for air like the pressure has changed in the atmosphere. Then comes the dry cough because the radiation dries up the lubricating surfactant in your lungs. Next is dizziness from lack of oxygen. Then last, death of course. This is no virus.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

  • Low said:

    I personally think that there's more blame on the hands of the orange arse who started by telling Americans that the virus was just a "hoax" before suggesting they flood their lungs with disinfectant.

    Absolutely. Trump is willing to kill thousands of people to sell a drug he has shares in (Hydroxychloroquine) and to encourage people to inject themselves with bleach to obscure the fact he is completely out of his depth. Genocidal narcissism. 

    What's even more frightening is to see the qualified medical advisors who sit in on those press conferences just sitting there, mute. Trump's most insane remarks were directed at Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Instead of speaking up, she sat there and stared at the floor. I recommend googling it so you can see her reaction - but the point is that he has surroundded himself with cowards and lickspittles. They should be struck off.
    Post edited by whispered at 2020-04-25 03:52:26
  • It’s a shame that Bill Gates has killed thousands of people by giving health-care workers a false script to what this illness is. He even created the protocol for treatment which can kill a patient. But depopulation was his goal anyways.

    Plasma works, because you’re replacing the irradiated blood cells that have clotted.

    I took a NICU class when I was in med school and remembered what was done for respiratory distress syndrome in infants. You administer surfactant and c-pap so you don’t have to intubate.
    I bet that would work.

    Protocol should be bi-pap and administration of surfactant, then plasma transfusion if the other doesn’t work.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2020-04-25 04:18:23
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • whispered said:

    Absolutely. Trump is willing to kill thousands of people to sell a drug he has shares in (Hydroxychloroquine) and to encourage people to inject themselves with bleach to obscure the fact he is completely out of his depth. Genocidal narcissism. 

    What's even more frightening is to see the qualified medical advisors who sit in on those press conferences just sitting there, mute. Trump's most insane remarks were directed at Dr. Deborah Birx, the response coordinator for the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Instead of speaking up, she sat there and stared at the floor. I recommend googling it so you can see her reaction - but the point is that he has surroundded himself with cowards and lickspittles. They should be struck off.

    I find it mind boggling that all of these people, these professionals, just sit there while he spouts his nonsense and puts on his dictator hat for the day. For the last 4 years I've been sitting there watching them and screaming "JUST SAY SOMETHING, SHUT HIM DOWN, PROVE HIM WRONG" but they're all so f*cking gutless that he keeps getting away with it. We all wonder how he's still there? Because people still allow it. 

  • They're being paid well. They'll be paid even better when dim-witted Americans buy their memoirs.
    If I were dead, could I do this?

  • Well dumbass Americans still think a virus can clot your blood! Kill Gates, the software demon, tells people they have have a contagious virus, so he can implement his evil agenda, when it’s actually radiation poisoning!
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Sweetie, there's actually a virus killing people. It's infecting their lungs and killing them. Like dead. Of all moments and topics to exploit for expounding your conspiracy theory, this probably isn't the best. 'Nuff said already. Really.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Uhhmm, the virus is 60Ghertz and more of microwave radiation they’re beaming at you. Ugh, no wonder people like Bill Gates can get away with murder, f’n dumbasses. They’re micro-waving people, that’s why people are getting bloodclots and dry cough. You don’t get a virus and day 4 days later your lungs can’t exchange oxygen and bloodclots appear- those are all symptoms of Electromagnetic Radiation exposure!
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

  • Ponygurl said:

    Uhhmm, the virus is 60Ghertz and more of microwave radiation they’re beaming at you. Ugh, no wonder people like Bill Gates can get away with murder, f’n dumbasses. They’re micro-waving people, that’s why people are getting bloodclots and dry cough. You don’t get a virus and day 4 days later your lungs can’t exchange oxygen and bloodclots appear- those are all symptoms of Electromagnetic Radiation exposure!

    It's a virus. It's from nature. It's a lesson hard learned about our complacency when faced with a natural threat that we can't see. Human interference and 5G has bugger all to do with it.

  • I’m guessing you guys have no knowledge of science or medicine. They’re pulsing the wave, you won’t see it, you won’t feel it until after the wave has hit you.. could be days or weeks later that effects show up. It depends on how much of the emf radiation your body has absorbed. It’s a pulsed, modulated wave. The electromagnetic current tracks itself and can travel deep into the body. All the sheep just take the word of a computer psychopath. Crack a book, get on-line, read some studies! Don’t blindly follow the word of microdick Bill Gates, he wants to kill you!
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2020-04-25 16:33:19
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Ponygurl said:

    I’m guessing you guys have no knowledge of science or medicine. They’re pulsing the wave, you won’t see it, you won’t feel it until after the wave has hit you.. could be days or weeks later that effects show up. It depends on how much of the emf radiation your body has absorbed. It’s a pulsed, modulated wave. The electromagnetic current tracks itself and can travel deep into the body. All the sheep just take the word of a computer psychopath. Crack a book, get on-line, read some studies! Don’t blindly follow the word of microdick Bill Gates, he wants to kill you!

    With all due respect, if I'm not supposed to listen to the mainstream narrative then why would I listen to someone on the internet who I've never met? What makes your "truth" any more credible than anything else? 

  • Oh, so you’ve met Bill Gates then? That’s who’s keeping you locked in your house right now. You trust him? I’m sure when you met him, he told you all about his crimes against humanity he has committed across the globe. Countries are trying to sue him now for all the deaths of children. Yes, blindly trust him- since you know him. You know how many people he’s predicting to die in six months? Maybe look it up. When they flip the switch on the smart grid the government is building, he could be right.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2020-04-25 17:26:53
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • I said “flip the switch on the smart grid.” What I meant to say was beam the towers. That’s why all those satellites are floating above your head- they’re amplifying the signal beamed to Earth.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • You completely ignored the question by saying something that I never actually said so I'll ask again, what makes your beliefs so credible that you should call other people dumbasses for not believing it?

  • You completely ignored my answer. You said, “why should I listen to someone on the internet that I never met?” Isn’t that precisely what you’re doing with Bill Gates narrative? I mean look at his track record. If you RE-READ my response, I’m asking you to do your own research instead of blindly trusting someone who wants to quickly depopulate the planet and has no medical training.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2020-04-25 19:35:05
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

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