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Entertain me! (the twisted & disturbing are welcome)
  • 1875 Comments sorted by
  • I REALLY don't find the above pictures funny in any shape or form.

    SOME of us on here are Christian/Catholic. Those pictures i actually find offensive.

    Im not happy with what i have witnessed. Sorry. You need to think about other members on here. Keep your jokes to yourself.
  • I think mankind in general need to find their brains and im talking about what im seeing above.

    Its really not that funny. Especially as a person who believes in God and Jesus to then come on here and see that.

    Extremely disappointing stuff.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2017-03-19 10:07:30
  • Blasphemy is no crime. Unfunniness, though.....
  • Some people know how to overstep the mark and theses pictures are horrible
  • Just because it is "free speech", the most offensive behaviour is condoned.  Sorry, that doesn't make sense to me.  It is the main problem I always had with je suis charle.  We have some very confused priorities for a supposedly sane species.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2017-03-19 10:09:29
  • YEAH.... Nobody is saying you cant have a laugh or whatever but using religious pictures of Jesus being nailed to a cross.

    REALLY?! Wow that is stooping very very low in my opinion. Try explaining to the almighty one day on exactly how you find that in any way funny. Im sure he is awaiting your response.

    I dont give a toss if you believe or dont believe. Just dont go round poking fun at something that is sacred to me and other Christians tar very much.
  • I want these pictures removed too. The moderators should have done this straight away. But no because we live in a blasphemous world anyway where its on the rise. I've seen it time after time where people think its funny.

    I actually find that sad. Get a new hobby. 

    Post edited by serenity52 at 2017-03-19 09:19:44
  • t
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2017-03-19 10:08:41
  • I'm actually Gnostic, but I was born that way.. :D I guess I've seen way too much senseless death in my day and the problem is men. We live amongst Neanderthals. We all should remember- everything will come back to us guaranteed...it's natural law, so why not be nice? Some will learn the hard way..and I'm not talking dick.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2017-03-19 11:22:49
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • I'm gonna say something I've been hesitant to talk about, but since homosexuality and religion was brought up..I might as well. 49 of my brothers and sisters were shot and killed in a gay club. Omar had been on Grindr seeking sex with men. He had been to the local gay clubs and had tipped the drag queens. There's video footage of him entering a hotel with men. It wasn't Isis. I think it was a deep seated rage because his religion banned the very core of who he was. Rage. Just my theory. You see, if God was merely seen as love..there would be no excuse to inflict such pain on others. If your child is gay, embrace him/her. Look what happened-the darkness and lack of love multiplies in the soul and comes out as this final desperate attempt to communicate. The world is the way it is, because people stray and forget God is just love. If I sound like some religious hippy, I'm not. I've seen it all, I just know.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Firstly you are not a religious hippy and i would never criticise anyone for having their say at all.

    There are still things in our world that i dont understand and that i do not have the answers for. Things such as terrible diseases, natural disasters, earthquakes, women who are unable to have children, people who turn into rapists/murderers. Why do these things happen?

    Trust me i struggle with it, questioning why. Its higher level stuff, the incomprehensible.

    All i can say is, when it comes to sexuality as long as you are not harming anyone and you are happy go for it. We dont live in the Medieval age. I know how hard that can be. Nobody should be persecuted for being straight, gay, bi- anything.

    I believe that there is a God and therefore a creator of our world. I dont believe that we came from nothing.

    But as for the above i just cant answer those questions. The world is not always in our hands. People do not look to God. They do not even acknowledge him.

    Im not here to convert people or anything as im not a bible basher. In fact i rarely tell anyone that im Christian Catholic.

    I preach and practice tolerance. Treat others the way that you wish to be treated.

    Ponygirl- the thing with Omar. Im not following what you are saying. Is this to do with Orlando shootings?

    Religion can also be oppressive. Honestly the times i have attended mass and it is very formal. Very rigid and set in stone. I pray in private. I talk to God in my own way as he sees and hears you.

    I also think that the church needs to align itself to the 21st century and accept homosexuality. Accept that as long as two people love one another and its real commitment there is no harm.

    Now people getting married on a whim with it ending in divorce is more damaging.

    Please dont worry about talking about what you feel from your heart. X
  • If you are referring to Orlando shootings again i don't know what the root cause was? I was under the impression ISIS were involved. Again though anger should never ever result in taking other people's lives.

    As i said earlier the church needs to modernise its thinking. Even now in 2017 its still very rigid. Which is why i don't always attend mass. I still believe but i pray in my own way. One day i hope to make sense of it all.
  • Yeah, I'm from Orlando and was here during the shootings. It happened on the tail end of Pride, ironic. We got different reporting here than what the world media sent out, since it was local. By local accounts, he was gay.

    Yeah, I agree with you serenity..just do unto others that you would have them do unto you. I feel the church has lost it's way though. I'm sure all the plundered gold from past wars is buried under Vatican City. Religion shouldn't be about controlling people, it should be about loving and helping people.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2017-03-19 12:58:36
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Post edited by LuDux at 2017-03-19 13:05:53
    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein

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