Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
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  • 167 Comments sorted by
  • Hello, everyone.
    Creator of Goldfrapp Jukebox, the most complete Goldfrapp music library on the Internet
  • Knew I should have called myself Cologne Cerrone Kiyuri.
  • Alan said:

    I think most of you still haven't figure out that I'm VERSACE. :)

    I knew, but you are much more... present on here than on the old board, LOL.

  • I knew, but you are much more... present on here than on the old board, LOL.

    It's the new era that activates the inner fabulous me, Elliot. :D
    Creator of Goldfrapp Jukebox, the most complete Goldfrapp music library on the Internet
  • Kept the same name here as on the old board
  • I'll keep mine a secret.
  • Hello everyone! I'm still FightMe, I hadn't visited the old GMB in a while but all this new stuff has really got me excited :D

    And it fits so beautifully on my phone!
  • ^
    Its so much better isn't it? 
  • hello mister fightme ahh the fights you'd get into with klamath, or did you love him? I can't remember these things.
  • FightMe would rub himself up and down a suggestively painted lamppost if it told him he was beautiful.

    So it was probably lust. 

    That and he's a randy devil. Banned from nursing homes up and down the country.
  • ... Nursing homes get me hot what can I say.

    I did love Klamath though, I wonder if our little upside down cake will check in on here.
  • Welcome back everyone .. still react010 here ;-) (from june 2006 onwards).
    Nice to see the ol' names here again ... we all had some great discussions here at the time !
    (and the not-so-great ones if my memory serves me well ;-).
    For me i kinda skipped the whole 'Head First' period -as Alison herself would have liked to have done as well i guess (hearing an interview about that album where she stated "I dont like it at all").
    Apart from Believer, Voicething and the tiltetrack: i didnt like it all as well (sorry die-hards ! :-).
    As for the GMB: have been reading along throughout the years as well, and still fondly remembering the 'Seventh Tree' era, and especially the 'Morning Becomes Eclectic' session (video) which i converted to mpg's for all to download at the time. Till this day its still my fav Goldfrapp moment !.
    Oh well, they are 'back' now as far as i'm concerned and it all sounds and looks great as ever !.
    Let's all enjoy the whole 'Tales Of Us' period, and have a lot more great discussions !.
    (Rotterdam, Netherlands).

    Post edited by react010 at 2013-07-19 09:35:06
  • There are some interesting board names, and a few I'm curious about:

    I know you were on the old board too, and always wondered about it. Is it to do with having a mind on the border of... super-consciousness or something? Or did you have a job advising people to "mind the border"?

    I wondered if you were an architect? Or.. from the North London area?

    I assume those are your initials. You're not Christopher Walken are you? That would be awesome. :-)
    Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-10-20 12:56:33

  • Is it to do with having a mind on the border of... super-consciousness or something?

    close enough I guess


    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • ^ Oh, right - thanks, BMind. Though I have to plead ignorance and admit I'd not heard of them. But I looked up the lyrics... interesting! :-)

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