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Lucky Number 7: The New Album Thread
  • 205 Comments sorted by
  • Is it really ever enough iuv?
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Well, I thought that you'd at least be satisfied with all the vazheen imagery.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • One can never have too much vazheen imagery..although I hear it can cause acute vazheenitis. I don't think it's contagious though. Thank-god.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Not without intimate vazheen-to-vazheen contact. Fortunately, the remedy for an inflamed vazheen is as simple as a dollop of gooseberry & cinnamon yogurt.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • iuventus said:

    Then again, consider Kate Bush.

    Well perfect example. The last shows people got most excited by The Ninth Wave. It was more about nostalgia, as she never played any of it live. But it's not like she premiered a new techno duet with Grimes.

    It's not a comment on the qualit of the output but really about age. Most people mellow as they age, and most creative people need to mellow for their own health, as they have been going at twice the pace as normal people. So by this time they have found their musical groove. They have no need to try a new sound they have been their and bought the t shirt. It's more about the craft and the songs.

    But the music industry is all about the new thing, the new sound, the new Kate Bush, and even at 45 I get excited by new stuff. Not that I don't like established artists but sometimes 2 or 3 albums is enough and anymore is not needed. Unless you are a diehard. And with certain artists I am a diehard but other not as much. With Frapp i am boarder line. Think I over dosed.

    Before people give some examples of my theory being wrong, there exceptions. Mark E Smith sounds just as bitter and angry as he did in the 80's and Chris Corner (IAMX) still has a youthful energy to his music. But both those 2 and many other examples have never really mainstream recognition. So maybe they still have something to prove. Also they are both still a bit mad and that takes it's tole, especially in Chris's case.
    Post edited by tattmaylor at 2014-12-24 05:24:59
  • Having said that next album may be abit more electronic than tales. I.e utopia. I.e what they know. That's no bad thing :-)
    Post edited by tattmaylor at 2014-12-24 07:36:54
  • I think what happens, as you say, the band members become content, ummm, even bored with life and get stuck in a rut in their music (and life).  They stop exploring.  I don't think that is in the nature of either of our composers.  For Alison, it is most important to continue to discover life, and I feel she is.  She needs to shake loose from encumbrace.  There was a sense from the concert at RAH that she is still exploring the boundaries of life and life is what is most important to the lyrics and her zestful approach.  If she lets herself get droned, it's over, but that doesn't seem to be even a possibility for her.  And I have little doubt that Will will (?) continue to explore musical boundaries.  It's in his nature.  We'll see if they can continue to celebrate their very different aspects of that musical synergy that has awed us all and bring it together into something collosally transcendent.  ToU had a feeling of contentedness and acceptance.  I don't think it will last.  At least, I hope not.  They definitely need to continue with the adventurous zest of life with which they enthralled us all.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2014-12-24 10:21:42
  • Whickywithy, I know what you mean. I think her trips to exotic places like India or Iceland are about that. To get inspired, widen her horizons. If you look at her Instagram account those are images of life. She's always inspired by nature. She also seems like a person that gets bored easily. I know they won't make the same album twice.
    Post edited by silverjet at 2014-12-24 10:36:14
  • i hope there's lots of Indian influence
  • Or at least a few good curries. Who wants to bet she won't have henna skin art in the next video?A sari? A long train ride?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Pet said:

    The worst country in the world, some commentators say, to be a woman.  Maybe that doesn't count the Islamic State but, even so...

    Yes, Pet. Have you watched this? I absolutely LOVE this woman-

    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2014-12-24 15:59:17
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Man, what a b****!
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • I loves me some bitches- ;)
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Um, that's not what I was meant, but...yeah, me too!

    But speaking of Indian belles, remember Simi Garewal from Siddhartha?

    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Yeah, SJ, Alison is so very driven, I just can't see her accepting the doldrums.  And, while driven, I think she has enough sense not to annoy Will with it.  Really, a perfect match for music and friends.

    By the way, welcome back Slippage.  I've always respected you just for the choice of GMB id.

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