Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 38 Comments sorted by
  • Don't forget booze.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • I know this may sound strange but listening to music really helps with the pain. Also, at rehab I was given a TENS unit. Wow Ponygurl, your words you sound like you could be a nurse or know something of the body. You speak to me like I am a person.

    Well, I have to get ready for sleep and in a strange way you comforted me because you care. x

    @iuventus what do you mean 'don't forget booze' that made me angry because my meds I'm on I can't have 'booze.' Further more do you think I can afford 'booze????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    mahogany= my agony
    'the wind...the wind'

  • Oh, I was just kidding; I am hardly a proponent of alcoholism.

    And you stop being so darned angry at everything. It doesn't become a handsome cowboy.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Music is the best thing when you feel down. I feel awful about Banana. A Frapper being in such a bad way. Try to be positive. Your bad patch does not have to be and will not be forever. Losing someone is the worst thing. Maybe time will heal. I do not know which words to use. But all the best to you. We are fellow Frappers.
  • Sorry I'm so maniacal, mood swings what have you. Do you know what I have trouble with? Sometimes I will forget that I already taken a certain medication, then I by mistake, will double dose.

    Your thoughts worked. Are working, I feel cosmic again. Is this love? x
    mahogany= my agony
    'the wind...the wind'

  • Yep we are Frapp friends.
  • If things really look bad, there's also the famous but overwhelmingly underestimated "i need a hug"-thread, of course!
  • Hi Banana, think I remember you from the old board or somewhere. I think this board might be like me trying to understand Wordpress last week (I failed).

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