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Hammersmith Apollo - 1st Nov 2013 - Who went ?
  • 281 Comments sorted by

  • Yes, I was there with a group of 10 before the gig, and a similar number after it. Will post a pic later. Lovely pub, apart from the £4.90/pint! Lol

    oh bummer! i was there before the gig, had an awkward pint on my own and left since i decided not to talk to random people asking if they were from GMB. didnt know what everybody looked like and i got your email half 1 :P so yeah... next time! :-)
    “The inexpressible depth of music, so easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain...Music expresses only the quintessence of life and of its events, never these themselves.”
    ― Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain
  • Jus look for the weirdos :D
    Post edited by thathurt at 2013-11-02 06:15:09
  • Hi,would like to say it was great seeing all you guys again,sorry could not do the pub after
  • A bleary eyed good morning to all....we had a fantastic time last night. Survived the crowds and the travel went smoothly. The show was absolutely amazing and my girlfriend is now a fully fledged Frapper ! The highlights of the show for me were Drew, Alvar and Yellow Halo. Great mix of songs. It was a shame not to have met up with anyone else, but we didn't know the plan. Have to say tho, the friendly chaps in Pinch Pasta across the road from the Apollo were playing Goldfrapp on a loop while we were there! Recommended for next time (and the pizzas looked great!). Just one thing to add .....where were all the fans?!! Was it only us wearing Frappy tops?! Thanks to Alison and the band - FANTASTIC xxx
  • nuwebb said:

    Hi,would like to say it was great seeing all you guys again,sorry could not do the pub after

    Yeah, good to see you again, if only briefly, post-gig. And is it your birthday today, i think? Have a cracking one! :-)
  • It is,,,,so thanks HJ,the next gig we will sit and have a chat....fingers crossed.....
  • We finally got there and it was wonderful, my sis was totally blown away as it was the first time she had seen them. Lost it during Drew and Clay, eyes were streaming and we were both clinging to each other during those two. I was shaking during Little Bird and You Never Know (As always) and it was so lovely to see Alison so happy and chatty :) . Plus we actually got there and back so we both felt pretty good about that too. Glad everyone had such a great time although there did seem to be a huge amount of people with severe bladder issues. I had my Ride a White Horse T on so you were not alone Katrobin and I think I saw a peacock dress one too and I think I also saw Pet a few rows in front but we didn't get there until about ten mins before they came on as my sis was working.
    Post edited by Cervus at 2013-11-02 09:01:33
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • I had a bit of uncertainty as to whether or not I was going to make it, went with Lady Anne (who never posts on here much ). I wasn't able to do the meet up, especially as last minute things looked like I might not be going despite having a ticket, but it all worked out good in the end.

     Amazing gig, though the sound wasn't great at the back downstairs, especially with a very rude woman nattering through pretty much every TOU track and then dancing to Supernature material!. The louder numbers the sound was great. Alison's vocals on top form all night though I could not make out anything she said between numbers. I loved every minute apart from the distracting audience members and slightly disappointing sound probably due to where we had tickets. Glad I went, maybe next time I get to do the forum meet up eh ;)

    Set highlights;  Alvar (just so incredible live, better than on record even) Yellow Halo, Thea, RAWH but it was all great!!!
    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-11-02 09:11:46
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • KatRobin said:

    A bleary eyed good morning to all....we had a fantastic time last night. Survived the crowds and the travel went smoothly. The show was absolutely amazing and my girlfriend is now a fully fledged Frapper ! The highlights of the show for me were Drew, Alvar and Yellow Halo. Great mix of songs. It was a shame not to have met up with anyone else, but we didn't know the plan. Have to say tho, the friendly chaps in Pinch Pasta across the road from the Apollo were playing Goldfrapp on a loop while we were there! Recommended for next time (and the pizzas looked great!). Just one thing to add .....where were all the fans?!! Was it only us wearing Frappy tops?! Thanks to Alison and the band - FANTASTIC xxx

    I had a Frappy t-shirt from Head First with Goldfrapp stamped all over the back. That was my contribution as a die hard!
    Glad you enjoyed it and next Goldfrapp gig when folks have more time I'm sure there will be another meet up.
  • It would have been lovely to meet up with you all but time did not allow sadly. It seems really weird to have been on here for so long and not really met with anyone other than very briefly and awkwardly at the Eden meet and greet. Hopefully next time.
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • It was the same with me and timing Cervus.

    Apart from that loud lady, the rest of the audience were respectful and what a diverse bunch of people I noticed. I saw the guy who used to play Christian in Eastenders there too!
    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-11-02 10:08:41
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • DuhVeed said:

    oh bummer! i was there before the gig, had an awkward pint on my own and left since i decided not to talk to random people asking if they were from GMB. didnt know what everybody looked like and i got your email half 1 :P so yeah... next time! :-)

    yep me too, got there about 5.30/5.45 had a quick pint at the bar and went, there was groups of 2 or 3 at every table, nobody looked like they were off to a gig and i didnt fancy going round asking everyone, seemed a really nice boozer, 
    absolutely loved the gig, i went to Manchester and loved that as well but had to go back to see them perform rawh, train, ooh la la  etc... will deffo be back for more 
  • We were sat to the left of the bar, 2 or 3 tables (cos there weren't any large tables free)... near the passageway to the loos.

    Ah, DuhVeed, yes i got your email and sent you an "invite". Did it ask you a frapp-question? Was it easy? Its a brand new thing, so none of us know exactly what happens yet... :-)
  • So... where was I? Ah yes, in the row N - which is a bit of an unusual experience for moi. I don't even remember when was my previous seated Goldfrapp gig - perhaps Hammersmith 2010? In any case I was lucky to have quiet neighbours and more leg room than I needed.

    Sound wise I like seated gigs because they are not as overpowered by bass as the front row on standing gigs usually is. However last week on the continental tour the sound in the front row was consistently perfect - so yesterday did not feel that special anymore. And of course I'm shortsighted so I couldn't see much at all (apart from a steady stream of people walking to/from bar/loo). Oh well.

    I was afraid that they would remove something from the setlist to add more Supernature, but luckily the sole addition of Number 1 was not at the expense of any other tracks.

    All-in-all, still more than worth it :)
    And I got home 35 minutes after the gig ended.
    Formerly known as alex_t.

  • We were sat to the left of the bar, 2 or 3 tables (cos there weren't any large tables free)... near the passageway to the loos.

    Ah, DuhVeed, yes i got your email and sent you an "invite". Did it ask you a frapp-question? Was it easy? Its a brand new thing, so none of us know exactly what happens yet... :-)

    It did yes. It wasn't super difficult, though. :-) It was more of a hassle to find someone who would have their e-mail available for non-members hahaha

    muz61 said:

    yep me too, got there about 5.30/5.45 had a quick pint at the bar and went, there was groups of 2 or 3 at every table, nobody looked like they were off to a gig and i didnt fancy going round asking everyone, seemed a really nice boozer, 
    absolutely loved the gig, i went to Manchester and loved that as well but had to go back to see them perform rawh, train, ooh la la  etc... will deffo be back for more 

    i know right? was sat there by the window dressed all in colours - looking like a frappin' christmas tree - and I couldn't identify any of the people there. so left just after half 6 :-)
    “The inexpressible depth of music, so easy to understand and yet so inexplicable, is due to the fact that it reproduces all the emotions of our innermost being, but entirely without reality and remote from its pain...Music expresses only the quintessence of life and of its events, never these themselves.”
    ― Oliver Sacks, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain

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