I`d add for anyone who`s never read it on the old board , the name Sartori is nothing to do with Goldfrapp or Sartorius , it`s the name of the protagonist in Clive Barkers `Imajica` , I`ve used it since about 95 , when it was initially my password and then my username . I fucking love `Imajica` , a wooting-tastic book .
"Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore" "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
@Halloween_Jack: I have worked (and at times still work) on architectural projects, though in recent years, architecture has become more of an historical interest. As for North London, my username doesn't have a direct link to Archway in North London. The link to Archway is via Saint Etienne, who recorded a song called Archway People.
Interestingly enough, I wanted my username here to be Archway Jack (Archway_Jack), because I have used that username in the past elsewhere, but saw you were Halloween_Jack, so decided not to cause any confusion or potential conflict. Archway _Jack is a combination of two Saint Etienne songs i.e. Archway People and Lightning Jack.
I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
^ Thanks for the detailed explanation! There are certainly some other Saint Etienne fans on here.
Were you on the old GF board?
No, I had no idea it existed. As a result, I don't know any people here or people who posted there. I only discovered this forum when I was looking for info on Tales Of Us.
I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
I like Calvin&Hobbes comics. There is one episode where gravity has reversed and Calvin has to walk -upside down- on the roof of the living room, jumping from one piece of furniture to another, shouting "Geronimooo" when he jumps. In fact, many times he shouts "Geronimo" when he jumps. Because my first name starts with a J, I turned that into Jeronimooo. This actually sounds a bit like my real name. I'm being called Jeronimo by some close friends now and then. So, this seemed like a good name for this forum to me.