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Tales Of Us - 6th album - 09/09/2013
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  • Someone has just said on the leak thread that the Bowie album is the only recent album they remember not leaking. That's because nobody knew a bloody thing about it!!!!!

    That was me ... and yeah the reasoning is circular-ish and I think I was going round it in the opposite direction to you.

    TBH it was even more a surprise to me that everybody involved in producing the Bowie album kept absolutely schtum about it: no whispers about guess who I'm in the studio with ... and by the way here's a sekkrit taster to prove it ...

    It could well have been Bowie's marketing strategy - but very risky as it depended on so many people keeping quiet before the release date.

    OTOH special circumstances apply to that record - he'd been out of the business for about as long as Beethoven, there's his status as a legend, plus there was growing buzz around the costumes exhibition at the V & A. Now, if none of that applies to you and your band, then you're stuck with the promo game and its deadlines.

    I'll happily admit I have no idea why the lead times for magazines, newspapers and radio programmes are so long. I've organised large print runs for publication and these days you just don't need six weeks to make them happen and that includes distribution.

    Edited because smilies!!! kill!

    Post edited by wild_corgi at 2013-07-30 04:56:50

  • With ref. to my point I am still a bit grumpy as NOBODY on here has yet explained/justified why the press had to have the album sooooo early!

    I've not heard the album yet but from all reports it sounds like it's a lot less instant than even 7T and, again I'm surmising here, I'd wonder if the decision was taken to give a longer lead time for reviewers to hear the album so it has time to sink in before copy is written. I can understand the rational at wanting an album's review to be written given time to get a grasp of the work rather than a knocked off knee-jerk on a quick listen. A bad or wrong review resonates around more than a considererd one.

    MOJO is a prime example that being monthly the copy with the lead TOU review is out today and the next issue wouldn't be until the end of August. You could argue, probably either way, that this might or might not give a review placed at that point enough time to be read by people that pick up their copy throughout the month.

    Combine the lead time for going to copy for old-school paper mags and the style of album and that might explain the long period given for the press stream?

    Purely a series of combined, thought-through guesses on my part, of course and should be read as a well intended comment in that vein rather than a justification. I shouldn't have to add a footnote like this but I know what people are like on here recently! :D

    Post edited by The_Carpathian at 2013-07-30 06:43:31
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • ^ If that is true Carpy, it seems a large price to pay for the album leaking (which i think, whatever they did over this period of time, WAS inevitable).

    All reviews are done without long sight, that is how it has worked since day one. I mean Goldfrapp are a pop band, even if this is their Scott Walker album it will be immediate enough to review, even if it grows later. I mean how many weeks is enough? I'm sure it would be better if all albums were reviewed a month down the line!  Would save me a few bob.

    I just don't see the problem of the review being out a bit later than the release. It's not like the album will only be on sale for 2 weeks. I am hoping people will be buying this album all the way up to christmas. Having reviews later on I think will be more beneficial (especially as it will be in the stores then). It's not like poeple will buy it until they have read the Mojo review? Also I think magazines have less power than they used to. The internet means even if the press only have the album 1 week before the release they can get a review up in a day and give enough reviews to help someone one the fence to go and buy it on the day of release.

    I think this all to do with pre-sales?

  • ^ If that is true Carpy, it seems a large price to pay for the album leaking (which i think, whatever they did over this period of time, WAS inevitable).

    I'm not saying my thoughts were true, just that they were my thoughts :D
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • ^ If that is true Carpy, it seems a large price to pay for the album leaking (which i think, whatever they did over this period of time, WAS inevitable).

    I'm not saying my thoughts were true, just that they were my thoughts :D

    I know you were offering a theory. I was just having a go at the theory, not your good self.  ;-)

    I just think all this anger at the leak is pointless. It's just a waste of thread space.

    At the end often day IF this is about making the most of the marketing (i.e. making money) then it is also about getting the mainstream into buying the album and generally they don't know how to download (people like my sister and my mum who will buy it at HMV, Tesco). So maybe this is the gamble. First intense hype for pre-sales, then massive press coverage pre-launch. The downside of this is a possible  'leak' BUT on the plus side the 'leak' reviews form people on boards like ours are yet more hype. Maybe they are not as daft as we think and the price of a leak is a small price to pay for the long term plan.

    So either way i don't feel 'sorry' for them. If someone had pinched the studio tapes or hid a tape recorder down their pants at a private listening then I would feel sorry for them. But this is all pre-planned. I am not having a go at Frapp or Mute. I actually think they are not as unhappy as some people are on here. Why? The album is getting rave reviews and at the end of the day that is what it is all about. Ironically I actually think if this album is huge they will lose a lot more post release form illegal downloads than the leak.
  • these days you just don't need six weeks to make them happen and that includes distribution.

    Then, it could just be a holdover...paradigms kill.  Good insight there, by the way!
  • really good thoughts from carpi and tattmaylor ... and thanks, whickwithy!

     I can now imagine how you'd rate a leak as one of those "high probability/low impact" risks the Uber-Bosses at work make us slave over - while also seeing a possible upside both in getting the material out there and in spreading the word. OTOH Mute do seem to be good at taking down the leaks, so it's not like they're blase about the material being out there for free for those with ears of cloth. 

    Personally I don't imagine Mute are in denial of, or uncaring about, how the leak affected Alison (and Will) because I daresay she/they let them know - in the nicest possible way, of course.
  • OTOH Mute do seem to be good at taking down the leaks

    Maybe why we are getting so little attention from Admin.  Maybe they are too busy chasing leaks to chase forum issues.
  • Anyone listening to Jo whiley? I'm getting the impression from twitter Alison's been on chatting new album stuff?!
  • Heard the latter end of it and will cap it once up on iPlayer etc but really can't get on with Whiley's style - interviews with her always sound rushed and like she'd rather be doing something else?
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • ^ no I'm not her biggest fan tbh.
  • ^ Me neither really. I remember her making a comment about the backing dancers for Strict Machine ages ago, can't remember details.
  • i think she used to be a bit 'funny' about the frapp, though she's seems to have mellowed in recent years. i shall use listen again so i dont have to listen to the rest
  • wasn't it some crap about their bodies? pointing out their cellulite or something. rude tbh
  • Yes it was exactly that ickygerm.

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