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Somerset House 2013 - Who`s going ?
  • 123 Comments sorted by
  • I'm just waiting for the bus, should be there in 40 mins or so... Something like that anyway.
  • We arrived we'll head to that pub the Wellington. Excited!
  • I'm quite liking the "Icelandic" one now (with the crazy guitar effects). I'm not very good with names and so even though Alison named each track 2 nights running (I still haven't a clue). I wish that Utopia had been played on the 2nd night instead of Lovely Head but then I guess that's a bit selfish of me. Maybe we'll get it tonight (it was great at The Trinity). If its a "Party" then I'd like at least 2 Headfirst tracks. I totally love that album (even if nobody else does). Right then, better start getting ready....
    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.
  • The "Icelandic" one is Alvar MD

    Being selfish myself I was so pleased with Lovely Head, because it's so special to Marlou and me.
    (Yes, we both cried...)

    Post edited by Dreeke at 2013-07-20 13:43:27
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • Hi Dreeke, thanks for letting me know the name. I love Lovely Head too but I would've liked at least one set change. However, as it was filmed I can understand why they didn't. I'm pleased that you got to hear it twice. I had goosebumps on Wed night and nothing has been exciting enough to give me goosebumps for ages.
    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.
  • A bit of shame we didn't get a chance to say hi (or did we?)
    It was just soooo overwhelming!!!!
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • There any merch at this one?
  • No merch, there's a stall but it looks all polls scattergood.

    Bells we're in the angle spot
  • Have a ball you crazy kids!

    What time are you expecting them on?  How hot is it??  I'm jealous as all hell :D
  • There was a guy 2 people in front of us with black hair, perfectly parted, white top with black accents on, and these cool converse kinda shoes. If he's on the forum me and my friend thought you looked amazing! :P
  • damn, I was wearing a black top ;)
    "its MY favourite song"
  • tweety said:

    damn, I was wearing a black top ;)

    i'm sure if you were in eyeshot of us you would of looked great too!!! :D
  • Just think kiddies, last week we were sweaty palmed with anticipation of one of the greatest Goldfrapp gigs ever. I was anyway :D
  • me too, although Manchester topped it for me. oh hell, it was a good week :)
    "its MY favourite song"
  • This time last week, they were walking on stage....sigh :)

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