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Premiere of 'Tales of us' at Manchester Int Festival, July 17/18 2013
  • 932 Comments sorted by
  • if anyone has 2 spares for the 18th please let me know!
    Post edited by Dreeke at 2013-07-17 07:30:57
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • st185cs said:

    Question is - who will be ahead of Alex in the queue!

    no one!
    "its MY favourite song"
  • Mitre Hotel is in the Millennium Quarter next to Harvey Nicks and has a large open area out front which we can all sunbathe in (opposite the Wellington, 17th Century pub)


  • just speaking with one of the blue tshirt wearing mif workers in the square who happened to be working at the gig tonight. 'don't even think about dressing up tonight it is very very warm inside' were her parting words!
  • Sparky said:

    My Black Cherry Wolf tshirt doesn't fit me anymore. Boo!

    Ha! Do I know that feeling or what! Time to purchase new stuff.
  • The jacket I'm wearing has been stored in the wardrobe for past 6 years. Was v pleased to find it still fits me! But now that I look at it properly, there's loads of holes in the sleeve... Bastard moths!
  • @Stuart any idea what time the doors open? and did you see Alex there?
    "its MY favourite song"
  • You're wearing a jacket ?? I thought it was to be roasting :)
    @tweety I think Stuart was in the square not at the venue, you won't find Alex there!

    be with you 5ish. So long as the train tracks don't melt.... AGAIN... On my way into Waterloo.
  • Ha, well, it was forecast to be cooler when I decided what to wear. Thank god its cool on this train, ie air-conned!
  • I won't be there until 3pm :-(
    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • Yes HJ, mines air conned as well gorgeous and stopped me sitting in my seat in just my pants , I look forward to stepping off the train straight into the Congo jungle / Manchester.
    American woman in the seat behind me just asked the conductor if we had bears in our woods and if they come out in the hot weather.. Um.....I wanted to butt in and say "yes"
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Gay bears maybe?
    Post edited by alex_f at 2013-07-17 08:50:44
    Formerly known as alex_t.
  • Hmm, why do I never have any interesting oddballs on my transport? I guess I may be the weird one. And no, I'm not sitting here with a mask on.
    Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-07-17 08:53:37
  • Haha! Bus oddballs are a daily occurrence for me.... How's the journey HJ?

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