Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 560 Comments sorted by
  • Nope just some fake Goldfrapp credit card. I mean WHO makes these things?
  • A pair of slippers. A sure sign of getting old :(
  • chokka said:

    Darn does everyone have a drew promo but me? It's like the next swimming badge up!

    I don't have one.  I'm hoping that it has the Radio Edit on it.  I will be miffed if it is the lovely long version.  #-o

    It is the radio edit. Quite a nice version really except it fades out at the end when Alison goes into high pitched mumbletone (nothing against it, just a name I came up with for it). And it's a tad chopped up like what they did with Yellow Halo, but overall worth having.
  • It is the radio edit. Quite a nice version really except it fades out at the end when Alison goes into high pitched mumbletone .....but overall worth having.

    @Slippage: I'm just envious and have to delude myself why I'm happy not to own a copy.  Even though I still believe that the album version builds properly I would probably sell my Nan for a copy (if she wasn't already dead). :))
    Post edited by mode_devotion at 2013-08-07 18:04:38
    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.
  • I personally prefer the full version, with it's cinematic builds and flourishes of string action. I suppose it was more for the matter of collecting it that I clicked the buy button on Ebay. Can't be that many of them?
  • Accidentally (well, you know) bought a tiny little remote control helicopter when in town today. Sits on the palm of my hand, was only £19 and works really, really well.

    Within a couple of minutes had managed to take off, fly right to the other end of the room, turn, fly back and land.

    To think how much these things cost even a few years ago!
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • The last thing i bought was the new Liverpool red shirt. 
  • Slippage said:

    I personally prefer the full version, with it's cinematic builds and flourishes of string action. I suppose it was more for the matter of collecting it that I clicked the buy button on Ebay. Can't be that many of them?

    It appears we all have them , which explains why we don`t actually hear it on the radio haha
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • I went out today to get camping stuff for Greenman festival next week, but bought a frock for a date (yippeeeeeeee), cool new headphones and Grey's Anatomy season 7 on DVD. Which is one of my guilty-ish pleasures.
    Bad at actual shopping.
    Gonna dig under the bed and hope ALL essential camping stuff is still there from last years green man.

  • Laura said:

    I went out today to get camping stuff for Greenman festival next week, but bought a frock for a date (yippeeeeeeee), cool new headphones and Grey's Anatomy season 7 on DVD.

    That's so you :))

    We wouldn't have it any other way!
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Hahaha. I know. So rubbish... I've found wellies! And in Wales, they're the most important thing! ... I seem to remember...

    Actually came home and unpacked and went... 'ohhhh'

    Then opened a bottle of wine ;)
  • this makes perfect sense
    "its MY favourite song"
  • I bought Injustice for the Wii U.... It's now my New obsession..... <3
  • I bit the bullet and bought an ipad (don't ask me why) missed it being delivered yesterday so now have to stay in all day tomorrow and hope it turns up. I could easily blame Alice as she has one but I can't point the finger as it was my finger that pressed the add to button basket. Will prob need tons of help with it but hey ho. All I need to get now is the Biophilia app on it as it is WAY too small on my phone.
    '' Sometimes I think I've felt everything I'm ever going to feel and from here on out I'm not going to feel anything new, just lesser versions of what I've already felt ''
  • :) I love the Biophilia live at MIF recording.... I was so lucky I got to go to four of those shows :)

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