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  • 71 Comments sorted by
  • KatRobin said:

    Hey, I don't consider myself high-minded or snooty....just afraid, powerless...like the average Jo.

    There you go.
  • @WW What I'm trying to understand WW is why some men tend to get violent when they feel powerless, or even when drunk on power. Women tend not to..they would have equal pay and equal positions of power in the world by now if they did- they would be the ones starting all the Wars. But it would be through force. Why is it acceptable? Why are alot of these video games for boys focused on War and violence? It is taught to males from a very early age. Violence is socialized as acceptable in men..not women. Why do you think that is? What is it that drives some men towards destruction?

    I mean, seriously, how many times can the world be fucked over by war? If all the money that was wasted on weapons was divided among these poor nations- the desperation and violence would cease. Why do the political elite hoard? They start wars for money..it's greed, not defense or religion. Greed. Vengeance just perpetuates the whole damn thing. Violence is not hard-wired..it is learned. There must be a new school of thought.

    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2015-02-08 12:24:55
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • I'm with you, PG, on the whole. I spend a lot of my professional life working with kids with severe mental health problems, and one of the things I have learned is that when things "suddenly" turn bad for them, the first question to ask is often, "So who is the new man in Mum's life? And how many women has he battered?" There are just a huge number of violent, compassion-free men out there.

    It is largely socialisation, of course. But changing things is unlikely to be a cooperative venture; it will always be a struggle, because the powerful never give up their power voluntarily. The weak have to take it. .
  • I've already suggested what the problem is, PG.  And, it is easily fixable(word?).  50% of the world is men and a lot of men are fucked up.  About 80% (! actually, I think the number is a lot higher for a lot of reasons) of them cannot last long enough at sexual intercourse.  Most men shrug it off and get on with their lives but, you want a good reason for mid-life crisis?  How about the dawning realization that he wasn't very good at the single thing that every man should be good at?  And, if he isn't, it will seriously mess with his mind.  What's really crazy about it is that most don't even realize two things.  One, that there are a whole lot of other men like that.  It's beyond what is defined as an epidemic.  Secondly, there is no goddamned good reason for it.

    Three step process for anyone that wants to last as long as their lady.
    1. Do Kegel exercises.  You can do them damn near anywhere.  Hell, you could do them in a meeting if you can keep from smiling for the silliness of it.
    2. Slow and steady when coupling, especially when first learning what works.
    3. Tighten the Kegels on the outstroke and relax them on the instroke.

    Anyways, like I said, it's very difficult to explain to someone that doesn't have the unbridled sexual drive that a man goes through.  Heck, I'm not sure I can even get it across to men how damned important it is for this to change.  Worst case, everybody has better sex and everything else stays the same.  That's not what I believe.  Sexual drive in men is such an overwhelming force that poor performance at it can be devastating.  It's not a simple as waking up one day and thinking, "gee, I'm not good at sex".  It's something that creeps up on you over a lifetime.  Like I said, most men find some way to deal with it.  Like the blue pill that has been so very successful or using the tongue or some other appendage or a toy.  But, it is not the same.  It probably is why so many men can get by but it's not the same.  One has to really delve into behavioral mechanics to begin to get a real sense of what I am talking about.  Sex is one of the very few primary behavioural mechanisms.  It can't be avoided, it can't be sidestepped, it rides with one throughout a lifetime.  It will erode one's psyche.

    All of the structures you mention, like partriarchy and, in my case, all instititional structures are undermined when men are feeling inadequate, insecure (your term), and become insensitive because of it.  To me, it's like a keystone that has fallen loose (or, more exactly has never been properly put in place).  Everything else is affected by it and has been affected by it for millennia.  Think of the amount of intertia such a fundamental, insidious flaw this can be for a species that is attempting to become truly self-aware.  How can a species become self-aware when it hides something so significant buried deep within its subconscious.  Something that affects the id and the libido.  To call it overwhelming is understating it.  I honestly believe eliminating this fallacy in man can lead to such drastic and promising changes in our society that it will be breathtaking.  I want to use an analogy, like a pebble that starts an avalanche but that's not exactly right, because it is the fallacy of male sexual inadaquacy that has ridden mankind's back since we rose to attempt self-awareness and is the single most significant thing holding us back.  I look at every aberration and obsession that is most commonly found in men (rather than women - which is the vast bulk of all of them), and I can link them back to this.  Either through direct linkage or through secondary and tertiary linkages.

    The guys that whisperit mentions that fuck up kids lives?  That's an easy one.

    The domination that you mentioned.  If a guy isn't good at sex and he's as dumb as a bag of hammers, what's the easiest way to make sure he continues to get sex, even if his lady isn't all that interested (since she's not getting much out of it)?  And, once some fool finds that domination is effective at getting what he wants in the sex area, why would he stop there?

    I think, PG, you just like to get me wound up.  ;)
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2015-02-08 18:41:06
  • Whickwithy said:
    Anyways, like I said, it's very difficult to explain to someone that doesn't have the unbridled sexual drive that a man goes through.  

    anyone have an unbridled sexual drive?  I don't know.  I can't imagine what that would be like.  But I don't think that I understand men very well.  That's why the narrators of my novels are female.

    Also, what the fuck is a kegel?  I've never seen the word before.  Did you make it up?
  • Pelvic floor exercise, or Kegel exercise (/ˈkɡəl/), consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor, now sometimes colloquially referred to as the "Kegel muscles".

    It's the muslces that are constricted to stop a bowel movement (one set) and urination (another set). 
  • ^Thank you!  I'd never seen them called Kegel exercises, but am aware of pelvic floor exercises.  They're important during pregnancy, and after giving birth, to prevent incontinence.  Old age is often an enemy of the muscles in question.  But, then, advancing years are generally unkind to our bodies.  My joints are definitely achier than they were when I was young.
  • EDIT: Shit i accidentally deleted this post!! How do i get it back? Forgot what was on it and i thought it was a good post :-/ Will try and re write later.

    Basically women have the power to save men :-)
    Post edited by tattmaylor at 2015-02-09 08:26:41
  • And, yes, Peter, unbridled or unrestrained urge or drive is the term I meant to use.  Vastly different from unbridled act.  The only way that I can think of to safely bridle the urge is to cut off the trio, if you are willing to do that.  Celibacy, unless Buddhist monks know something I don't, hasn't ever worked out all that well.  Just ask the Catholic church.
  • That's really cool, Tatt!  There wasn't something learned along the way?  I liked everything you said, by the way.  And, I agree with the good woman thing completely.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2015-02-09 07:45:57
  • PS: @WW. I though I was crap at sex until I found the right women. Now i'm a sex god!

    is not about being 'good or bad'. How good you are is how happy your
    partner is and understanding each others needs. So doesn't matter how
    experienced you are or how 'accomplished' (it's not the olympics for
    f**k sake) you are. It's easy. Talk to each other, ask questions. If i'd
    known that at 20 I would have been great. I always though asking a
    women what she wanted me to do would be a turn off make me look like an
    idiot. The worst thing is it may well have probably put women off at
    that age :-/ due to the pressure you are under when you are young. That
    will be my advice to my kids. Luckily people chill out in their 30 so it
    gets way easier.

    Thats why I think 50 shades will be taken the
    wrong way by some women and men! It's scarey to think what shit some
    poeple will get into.
  • I agree with all of that, also.  Talking with your lady is of foremost importance.  But, if one lasts on the order of seconds, there's not much chance to satisfy through coitus.  And, the point is that there is no need for that to happen for anyone.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2015-02-09 12:33:06
  • Thats why I think 50 shades will be taken the
    wrong way by some women and men! It's scarey to think what shit some
    poeple will get into.

    Fifty Shades of Grey will be taken the wrong way because people are being informed that BDSM is a form of sex. It is not, whether or not one is aroused while being sadistic or masochistic. Even if one engages in coitus and bondage simultaneously, they remain disparate notions. Newsweek currently has a special edition titled FIFTY SHADES: Exploring the Sexual Revolution. A hard-core news magazine. What a bunch of nincompoops!
    Post edited by iuventus at 2015-02-09 12:52:46
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • IMHO, sex is like sport, it is played out in the mind, particularly with men. Erections are natural things that are spontaneous in young boys (no responsibilities) and become more controlled as that young man matures. It is no coincidence that control and erection problems occur as men get older and become saddled with responsibilities that inhabit the mind at certain periods, like laying in bed trying to sleep, and, in the run up to sex/ trying to relax. Younger men can push responsibilities to the back of their mind easier than older men as older men usually have more responsibility due to their age and experience. You can learn techniques to partition your mind to improve these times, sleeping, relaxing, having sex. It works similar to putting all your 'responsible' and pervading thoughts into a metaphorical room in your mind and 'shutting' the door on them for given periods. Longevity during the act for a man is all about concentration and understanding that it is not all about you and that your partner will have a better time if you can manage to sustain your endeavours for a sufficent period. To put this into an easily understandable form, selfish pricks make lousy lovers.
    Of course, I could be whistling Dixie out of my Kegals. Are these the same muscles you use to constrict a fart or retain/expel a butt plug???
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • Longevity during the act for a man is all about concentration and understanding

    That's very nice but it seems that men need something a little more concrete than that, otherwise, there wouldn't be droves of men who can't last. 

    selfish pricks make lousy lovers.

    That's one way to view someone who can't figure out how to make it last.  Another is that he needs something a little more concrete than "concentration and understanding" to last for ten, twenty minutes, which is easily the woman's window of opportunity.  And, the three steps to do it right (with a little practice) are so very straightforward. I've never much liked the idea of concentrating on baseball as way to keep it up.

    By the way, the estimate of 3/4 of the males not lasting very long (< 2 min) comes from a Mckinsey study.
    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2015-02-09 21:57:42

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