Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 4413 Comments sorted by
  • From 1981 (originally a 1979 Cuddly Toys' song [David Bowie / Marc Bolan])... sounds VERY Train (Goldfrapp's song) <3 ... 
    Post edited by ryanraymedina at 2017-01-27 18:51:23
  • I'm so glad you're back tatt, I love your taste in music. I'm listening to Kenji Kawai, music from 'Ghost in the Shell'. Not sure if this is correct but the lyrics are ancient Japanese-

    When you are dancing, a beautiful lady becomes drunken.
    When you are dancing, a shining moon rings.
    A God descends for a wedding-
    And dawn approaches while the night bird sings
    "God bless you, God bless you, God bless you
    God bless you."

    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • From 1981 (originally a 1979 Cuddly Toys' song [David Bowie / Marc Bolan])... sounds VERY Train (Goldfrapp's song) <3 ... 

    Holy shit! What a find- who knew?!
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2017-01-30 20:47:02
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Ponygurl said:

    From 1981 (originally a 1979 Cuddly Toys' song [David Bowie / Marc Bolan])... sounds VERY Train (Goldfrapp's song) <3 ... 

    Holy shit! What a find- who knew?!
    Right?!? When you listen/watch Goldfrapp's live version of Train it's extra noticeable that THIS song alone (I feel) was what inspired it... I haven't stopped playing it since I found it lol  :x ... it's such a LOUD crisp song considering the time... blew my mind really
  • Vitalic- Hans is Driving ( just stumbled upon it whilst looking up GF stuff, not bad)
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2017-02-08 12:35:14
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

  • I'm so glad you're back tatt, I love your taste in music. 


    How about these girls :-)

    Post edited by tattmaylor at 2017-02-10 09:47:55
  • Haha, I spy with my little eye..bad bitches! I like the vampiric breakdown in the middle, only because it sounds extremely dirty..like your gonna need a shower after..or not.
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • THIS

    Post edited by stevil at 2017-02-13 15:10:25
  • I've rekindled my love for Yeah Yeah Yeah's It's Blitz album.. remembering this amazing single-that-never-was.. 

    Post edited by MonsterLove at 2017-02-14 03:54:04

  • It's like the approach they should have taken with Anymore's video, in my opinion. 
    Androgenic? Check!
    Desert? Check!
    Slick production and awesome song? Check!

    Can NOT wait to see these guys again with Garbage when they all hit Toronto this July. Was front row for Blondie at RBC Bluesfest 2014 and let me tell you, they're awesome live (outshining opener Gogol Bordello, even). Caught a guitar pick, and Debbie stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed her crotch, lol! She stayed close to me the whole show, singing at me and wiggling around having a grand ol' time! We really connected and I loved every second of it. For the entire performance of Rave, her and I sang at each other perfectly in sync and she smiled the whole time! Lovely lady.

    I should add that John Congleton worked with the band on this album too, so there's quite the Goldfrapp connection! They might have even been the ones to record with him just before Goldfrapp, too.
    Post edited by Slippage at 2017-02-15 13:02:14
  • Don't know what it is about this track but......
    What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about?

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