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  • 281 Comments sorted by
  • ping said:

    Sadly they don't, they all seem to be converging slightly right of centre.

    That's because both of our socieities (probably true of all western societies or any influenced by them) are obsessed about money.  It is the be-all and end-all for those in power.  Hmmm, there was an article about market society (i.e. everything is for sale).  I've posted the article below, though I think my comment really hits the heart of it.  The further up you go in society, the more anything is for sale, including one's honour, integrity, dignity and soul.  That's called sociopath.


    One of these days, rather than trade one rat's nest of sociopaths for another, we'll find a better way.  And, one of these days, no one will desire to lead and no on will desire to be led.

  • One of these days, rather than trade one rat's nest of sociopaths for another, we'll find a better way.  And, one of these days, no one will desire to lead and no on will desire to be led.

    bring it on!
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline

  • Just suppose money was no object... - Alan Watts, Philosopher / Hippy.


  • One of these days, rather than trade one rat's nest of sociopaths for another, we'll find a better way.  And, one of these days, no one will desire to lead and no on will desire to be led.

    Golden Path FTW
    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • Darn trucks!
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • that is a great OP, folks.

    shows Osbourne for the smug, slimy creep he is
  • Nice 10%pay rise for MPs? Because we're in it together my arse.
    Post edited by thathurt at 2013-07-01 14:00:39

  • thathurt said:

    Nice 10%pay rise for MPs? Because we're in it together my arse.

    A figure of 15% was used on the news earlier however I sincerely doubt that this rise will happen at anywhere near that figure.  No, what is more intriguing is whether the choice of 'independent firm' responsible for the suggested rise is decided upon by MPs and how they came about that figure of 15%....

  • I guess for me it's not the issue of their salary, it's more what they earn outside of being an MP. To some of the Tory(reads Lib Dem and Labour too) MPs, the salary is mere pocket money.
    How much should an MP's Salary Be?
    There was a poll in the Guardian today 14% are saying minimum wage
    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-07-01 14:27:24
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • I want to throw telly box out of window every time the press release says " public sector workers have had 1%" no they fucking have not as some of their employers have refused to give anything.
  • i haven't had a cost of living for 4 years :(
    it makes me pretty pissed that MP's might be getting one.
    there's too many of them in it for money, power etc rather than actually wanting to change things and make life a bit better for the country.

  • Politicians LOVE setting workers against each other when it comes to pay. 
    Simply paint Public Sector workers as money grabbing ponces that get waaaaaay too much money for doing feck all and who have have gold plated pensions which all those in the poor, beleaguered private sector pay for! 
    It never seems to occur to private workers that, instead of dragging DOWN Public Sector wages and conditions, they ought to be RAISING their own.

    The Living Wage (as opposed to the Minimum Wage)  is a figure calculated to simply allow a worker at the lower end of the wage bands to keep up with the current rate of inflation. The current Living Wage rate in London is £8.55.  Tesco have been targeted by the Living Wage Campaign as they are by far and away the largest retails employer in the UK and if they pay the rate then it is thought that all the others (Asda, Sainsburys etc) will fall into line.  Tescos have told the Living Wage Campaign on numerous occasions to, in not so many words, stick it where the sun don't shine.  Tescos current rate of pay in London is £7.49.

  • I think the vast majority of MP's on all sides of the main three, rather than saying 'we are in together' should be saying 'in it for ourselves'.

    I'm predicting an 'interesting' result in the 2015 election. I can't see either Tory leader Miliband or Cameron getting an outright majority. Lib Dems can forget getting anything like the votes they did in 2010. UKIP, I don't like them at all, but they are going to get votes, I hope the Green vote has a more significant impact personally and glad to see a few of you also feel the same way.
    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-07-01 14:53:36
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • I'm predicting an 'interesting' result in the 2015 election...

    As things stand at the moment the Tories are going to walk it.

  • softlad said:

    I'm predicting an 'interesting' result in the 2015 election...

    As things stand at the moment the Tories are going to walk it.

    It's hard to tell exactly what party you mean these days when you say the Tories :(

    I haven't kept up with the polls recently, the last I remember was Tory Miliband being ahead.

    I try not to over do it with following the news. I like to keep aware of the current issues, but it's not always good for me to do so.
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline

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