There is quite a big drive for this here in the UK Iuv, organised by Hedgehog Street, of which I am a proud member. They send out publicity materials so that people can educate their neighbou4hoods about Hedgehog care, how to create pathways between gardens etc. They also conduct the annual UK Hedgehog sightings map based on members sending in records of where they have seen the little pricklies. This helps hog rescuers know where to release them back into the Wild . I’m still hoping to be see my mate Pumpkin again and release h8m in the Spring. We had an update on him at Christmas, he was doing well and had doubled in size by then after a v dodgy start.
My dog Jake and I disturbed four enormous roe deer in a wood on Sunday. He didn’t see them fortunately but they scampered out of the woods and across the fields. Usually I see Muntjac so it was great to see these four.
I thought it was interesting to read that Alison is interested in geology and I’m sensing ( from Silver Eye visuals) an interest in crystals maybe? If I could go back in time ( which is something a geologist would say at every dinner party) then I would choose to be a geologist. I did A Level Geography and that’s where my interest in mineral collecting began, back in the Devonian period.
Wow that's pretty interesting coming from Alison that if she could change careers she would become a geogist. I think I would have studied History as a degree and then gone on to become a History teacher. Or probably rock up at a National Trust venue as a tour guide.
I did used to collect crystals but only as a mini hobby, not actively. You know the little fragments of crystals you can buy from the museum shop. I also collect stationery or steal half of it! Lol
I used to collect fairy ornaments as a youngster and Disney figurines. Still got a few. I hide then when there's a bloke on the scene. Don't want them thinking I'm a nutter!
I've been to Reading, Swindon, Cambridge, and Manchester that I can remember, right off. Those were all business trips. Mostly, I've walked the streets of London on my own time. I think some of the small villages would be a blast to visit. Someone was telling me about a quaint little quiet village somewhere or other. An flight attendant was telling me about it. It was her home and it sounded beautiful. Rustic and everything within walking distance. Perfect.
So, Shakespeare's home? That sounds nice.
I was very lucky with Sissinghurst. I went way too early to expect flowers and, yet, they were in bloom. A lady I met there said she had visited regularly to visit her children (grandchildren?) there for thirty years and the flowers were especially fine that year. I really loved the white garden.
Whickwithy!! How very dare you edit your post just as i was about to quote you for saying "air hostess or whatever they are called these days"
The correct turn of phrase is a trolley dolly. Just ask David Walliams and Matt Lucas.
She may gave been referring to Bourton on The Water in The Cotswolds? Mind you could be somewhere in Wales, Shropshire, or Somerset. Do you remember the county?
I remember when air hostesses looked like crew from the Enterprise!
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ. Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit. Shall lure it back to cancal half a line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.