No parcel. No 'sorry you were out' card. :( If I get neither of these tomorrow or Saturday morning at the latest, Sandbag will be on the receiving end of my wrath. OK, that wouldn't scare or shame a kitten but a gesture would be needed.
Wow! I am happy for everyone overseas that has their copy. I really am....however, the fact that the UK based people are getting such a shoddy service is rather unbelievable!
Haha thanks! I adore "Lee" and the live tracks! Bit disappointed that the "Stranger" remix is (basically) an instrumental (though still gorgeous) and I'm unfortunately not digging the alternative "Thea" at all. "Nowhere Boy" extract is gorgeous (though a little random).
Im 553. No, not in the queue for complaints about how long this has taken to finally arrive but the certificate number!
Well boxed, great to have the vinyl with the lyrics, DVD/CD package is lovely, signed lithograph. Found the hardback book VERY disappointing in a kind of "is that it??" way.
The delay in getting this has tarnished my expectations massively but I shall pick up my toys and put them back in my pram and start all over again by spending my weekend ogling said product
I was kinda underwhelmed by the book too to be honest, more given that a good few pages were just one line lyrics, others straight out of the regular release booklet, some just straight up screencaps from the videos, and some just tiny thumbnail sized things. There was only a few pages of actual "exclusive" content in it. Alisons note at the beginning was nice though. It kinda seems like they didn't actually shoot a lot for this album though, so maybe thats why. Some studio shots would have padded things a bit...So yeah, you're not alone in that Hells :P
The bonus disc is nice. Lee is pretty, Stranger remix is suitably haunting, and the version of Thea with Sa is quite interesting, you gotta wonder how that collaboration came about. The live tracks feel good, and i mean feel literally, you get the atmosphere in the air from them. Of course it's kinda spoiled by the fact they only deemed to grace us with 3 tracks. I don't really like the Nowhere Boy stuff, not for me.
Number 568, Box was in A1 condition but corner of the book was slightly crushed ? Went into the kitchen and found the cat sitting on the empty box when i returned. Did i think he looked cute, did i bleeding eck ! Thank christ he's not a fat cat so no damage caused, phew !