At last, found the thread Folkie. Bagsie a ticket too, and come on everyone, lets make this a Folkie Frapp get together. I cannot promise I can make it but I will do my darndest to get there. :D
I've had to cancel my performance :( I've been very anxious at the moment and I can't handle the pressure.
I had a bad panic attack a few days ago, went to doctors who couldn't immediately help but gave me a low dose of meds and have just now had another panic attack and needed my mum to help me out, I literally got out of bed hysterical and doubled over in pain screaming for her help, all because of panic. I didn't think I'd be writing this as I was looking forward to singing, I thought it'd be brilliant.
I plan to continue with exams and grades and that, I'm just not in the right frame of mind to sing in front of lots of people in a social atmosphere, if my mood was more stable I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'm sorry for being shit :(
Oh Folksie, you just have stagefright love. Do you realize how many performers endure this kind of anxiety? Some very famous people actually freak out before going on stage. They have to literally psych themselves up for it! I think I even remember an interview where Alison said when she was first performing (with Tricky?) she felt like she was being hit by a train? (Or something like that) Hell, Prince used to play with his back to the audience when he was first performing...he was terrified. This is absolutely normal Folks.
Sometimes with more and more performances you become accustomed to it, but sometimes not. I'm sure you are an amazing vocalist Folklore. Give yourself a shot. It's ok to screw up, forget off key once in a while. It's all par for the's experience. A wise Irish woman once told me when I had a panic attack before singing to an audience......."Oh, Fuck em!" Words to live by.... ;)
U R I E L What is done in the dark will always come to light