So sorrry, Folksie. I hope you find a way over that hurdle soon. I'm sure, when you do, it will be spectacular. What ponygurl is saying seems to make sense. When my company was taken over by another, I found that the phrase, "fuck 'em" worked very well for me, when others would come complaining about something the big, bad new company had done. It's quite a stress reliever. Heck, I don't know, maybe just singing in front of one or two people close to you might help? And, keep building up one person at a time. Then, throw in the occassional (supportive) stranger? Um, I'm actually thinking of mode_devotion, since he lives somewhere near you, as a possibility for a supportive stranger - after you are comfortable with singing with folks close to you. I think there are one or two others on here that might be aviable, also.