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Tales of Us: Rank the Songs (Best to Worst)
  • 78 Comments sorted by
  • Thea
  • Cervus said:

    No not at all :)

    I still cannot rank them though. It would be like having all your friends in a room, there may be something that irks you at times about them but when it comes down to it you love them the same as they all have their own story to tell.

    Simone is the track that most often pops into my head. I love it and I can see that in months from now, Simone, Lauren and Drew will be my most played tracks from the album.
    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
  • This is quite difficult but I'l give it a go after living with the album for 5 days.
    Initially, I loved half of the album and thought the other half was a tad forgettable but that has completely changed with repeated listens. This is how my ranking stands at the minute but it will probably change.

    1: Annabel
    2: Thea
    3: Drew
    4: Clay
    5: Jo
    6: Alvar
    7: Ulla
    8: Laurel
    9: Stranger
    10: Simone

    The first 5 in my ranking were the 'instant' tracks which I loved straight away and still do, but the other 5 are growing on each listen and although Simone is last, I still think its stunning.
  • Well done Clay.
  • I just cant separate the album down to individual tracks,to me their are elements of a whole,there are some I love more than others,but its a tapestry.....aint it great that someone still produces this wonderful stuff
  • Well, this is my first revision (after four days):

    1. Drew [10/10]
    2. Laurel [10/10]
    3. Simone [10/10]
    4. Thea [10/10]
    5. Stranger [10/10]
    6. Jo [9/10]
    7. Annabelle [9/10]
    8. Clay [9/10]
    9. Alvar [7/10]
    10. Ulla [7/10]
    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
  • 1. Jo
    2. Thea
    3. Annabelle
    The rest I haven't decided yet (got the CD only today).
  • Nice to see my fave is 3rd on your list. Hi see you are new to the forum.
  • Yes! Have been listening to Goldfrapp for a long time, though...
  • Same here. Feels as though i have missed out on discussing all things Frapp. There was a message board going for ages b4 this one. Anyway we are here now. Like i have already said, I am as addicted to this board as i am obsessed with Frapp oh and Liverpool FC. Back to the subject..... TOU Rank the songs.
  • Wow, can't believe how low down Alvar is in many people's lists.

    This is, for me, the most beautiful album that Goldfrapp have brought out... even more poignant in the Autumn season it has come out of... I can see it meaning even more as the season really takes hold.

    From fave to least fave, for me it would go:

    Stranger... granted, this could change over time, as will be the case with many listeners. 
    Post edited by Iwannalife_93 at 2013-09-14 17:59:22
  • 01. ALVAR - Already on my Top 10 list of favorite Goldfrapp songs of all time. Everything about this song is perfect. That guitar is hauntingly evocative, and coupled with Alison's reversed vocal the result is icy and otherworldly. More than anything else on this album, I'm surprised by the mixed reaction to this song. Boring? Really? Absolutely not.

    02. DREW - It was the first song we heard, and it's still so stirring and beautiful.

    03. JO - Amazing opener that succinctly sets the tone of the album. Every bit as unsettling and perfect as "Things That Scare Me" from Neko Case's Blacklisted.

    04. STRANGER - Like a scaled down "Utopia," this song feels like the most obvious homage to Felt Mountain.

    05. ANNABEL - Haunting, heartbreaking song made even more masterful by that glorious video.

    06. THEA - Like a she-wolf howling at the moon over a pulsating, organic rhythm

    07. ULLA - Another absolutely beautiful song. My favorite lyrics from the album.

    08. CLAY - Tied with "Number 1" as my favorite Goldfrapp closing song. The theme of being thankful for an experience even though the loss of it has destroyed you moves me to tears.

    09. LAUREL - Completely film noir. Melancholy and evocative, like a doomed femme fatale.

    10. SIMONE - The story behind this song reminds me of Mildred Pierce. It's at the bottom of my list, but I still really like it.
    Post edited by Joey at 2013-09-14 20:14:03
    I had a king in a tenement castle, lately he's taken to painting the pastel walls brown. He's taken the curtains down. He's swept with the broom of contempt, and the rooms have an empty ring. He's cleaned with the tears of an actor who fears for the laughter's sting...
  • This is one of Goldfrapp’s most intimate outings. The album is of course very beautiful, but I do find myself skipping quite a few tracks. I just feel that they’re a little drab in my opinion. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    1. Alvar – This track is simple and lovely. I love the piano, or whatever that instrument is that keeps playing throughout the song. Then when she starts whispering towards the end, it kind of reminds me of “Hunt” one of my favorites off Headfirst.

    2. Annabel – Haunting is what a lot of people are how a lot of people are describing this track, and I couldn’t agree more. It sounds like a sweet lullaby full of sorrow.

    3. Thea – One of their more upbeat, dancey tracks on the album. I love this track, I kind of wish more of the album was like this, but I understand why it isn’t.

    4. Clay – This song is one of the more Uplifting ones, I think it’s the perfect way to finish the album.

    5. Drew - At first listen, this song didn’t really wow me, but after constantly watching the Short film that accompanied it, I fell in love.

    6. Jo – Perfect way to open the album, I love Alison’s psychedelic voice towards the end.

    7. Stranger – Stripped and bare track with a lovely Spanish guitar. I love Alison’s opening line.

    Laurel, Simone, and Ulla are the tracks I usually skip unfortunately. I tried and tried to get into them, but I just couldn’t. All in all, this is probably my least favorite Goldfrapp record. =(

    Hopefully with time, I can change my mind.


    Post edited by jovy2000 at 2013-09-14 22:07:00
  • I don't think I've ever played a full album from start to finish so many times like I have with Tales of Us. I am so glad A+W emphasized it as an album.

    I can't rate them, they're all so good, but I will say the song I dislike the most is "Thea".
    Post edited by Jo_ey at 2013-09-14 22:30:57
  • 10 THEA 
    The only track that I don't get much from at this point. At this time I would rather Tales mirror the 9 track entirety of Felt Mountain with the omittance of this song but I suppose I should admire how much of a red herring Thea is (even though Oompa Radar - the Felt stand out track - is another song I don't understand). Maybe I would feel differently hearing this live; I torn as to whether I think it needs a little more production to make it more interesting. it somehow sounds halfway between wanting to be stripped back or being heavily produced and pounding -  it's a little lost! I'm bored by the time the chorus kicks in.. I'm hoping it'll grow over time but for the moment, it's definitely weaker than the other 9 songs.

    Definitely agree with you here and I think this is the exact reason I dislike it the most out of all of the tracks!

    Sucks because people were describing it as the electronic track of the album and that really got me pumped. But, it's like trying to be electronic yet trying to blend in with the rest of the album and it just, doesn't work...

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