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(leak talk in this thread)
  • 619 Comments sorted by
  • I think I'm free to express my opinion any way I choose.
    Excuses to anyone who felt offended by that remark, but I guess we're all smart enough people here to know what I actually meant by that.
    I used a harsh (and often used) metaphore to express my anger about the idiot who decided he could just do this.

    Of course life goes on. For Alison as well.
    But that doesn't mean we're not allowed to voice an opinion about it.
    A forum is not just a place for clever remarks, you know.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • I find it odd that you insist that you should be allowed to express yourself the way you prefer but imply that I should not be able to do the same in my response.

    Besides, I think that everyone is by now quite clear on the matter of your disgust with vurt the anonymous source of the leak.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Where did I imply that?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • Vurt wasn't the source of the leak.

  • Low said:

    Vurt wasn't the source of the leak.

    Close enough; but, still, maybe I should have put that in "quotes."
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • iuventus said:

    Close enough; but, still, maybe I should have put that in "quotes."

    Now you're just being childish
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • Oh,um, ouch?
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • There you go again.
    All you seem to be doing on this forum is scanning posts to look if someone might have tripped over their own feet and then just start pointing and laughing at it.
    Does that get you off or something?

    Yes, I got a bit carried away there.
    Yes, I used a methaphor that maybe I shouldn't have.
    Posts on forums sometimes tend to imply something different than what you're trying to say.
    Especially if you're not a native speaker.

    But instead of answering my question where I implied you're not allowed to express yourself the way you want to, you just had to make another clever remark, didn't you?

    And no: I'm not going to leave this forum now and delete all my posts. Because I stand for what I (try) to say

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • Dreeke said:

    There you go again.
    All you seem to be doing on this forum is scanning posts to look if someone might have tripped over their own feet and then just start pointing and laughing at it.
    Does that get you off or something?

    iuventus gets off on that, Yes. Very much so I can say from personal experience.
    Best to ignore. You expressed yourself the way you needed to. So did he. The babies quote is an obvious metaphore. iuventus likes to bend, squeeze, search and manipulate you and your words until you no longer have ANY clue what the conversation was about in the first place, implying all sorts of things about you in the process that have no connection to anything substantial AT ALL. It's an ego thing. It borders on disease, to quote iuventus himself.

    Welcome back to the GMB. Remember those? It is happening again.
    Post edited by Stranger at 2013-07-30 10:17:35
    “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous." — Queen Victoria
  • Look, I'm sorry if you feel like I embarrassed you (for saying something utterly stupid), but if you want to get nasty and personal, please take it to the PM system. I'll likely ignore you if you continue on, but if hurting my feelings is a goal of yours, you can give it a try there. I'm sure you needn't continue to prove that you are mightier than I, and I can't be fucked to get into a battle of wills.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • or we could just all calm down and stop fanning the flames! there's no need for a fire is there?
    "its MY favourite song"
  • gee NEVER in my life have I heard a metaphor so obscenely exaggerated. *rolls eyes*.
    Post edited by LolliCruz at 2013-07-30 11:06:14
  • Ok get some perspective. It's not like this leak thing hasn't happened before. And the babies comment is deeply offensive on so many levels: anyone who equates the theft of music to sexual assault needs a medication review.

    Shouting the loudest doesn't get you a backstage pass.

  • Thing is because this is a fan forum it's easy to get defensive but Goldfrapp aren't different from any other band/musician out there, leaks happen all the time and Goldfrapp aren't an exception.

    Tattmaylor has the most reasonable view towards this leak in my opinion :-)
  • Yep. The old GMB is in full effect again.
    Let the grand parade of narcissism begin!

    Where is Mirror when you need him or her or it?
    Comments made about the bigger more disturbing parts of group behaviour on these boards were spot on.
    “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous." — Queen Victoria

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