Hiya Dux! Long time no see. Speaking of, I haven't heard that song in ages. All i remember about that band/group/act were the lezzy girls in cathlolic school uniforms, can't even remember their name. Tatu?? Something like that. Funny the things one remembers :D
"She" believes "He" must update his operating system. I've searched the archives of MTV databases and "Just say Julie" appears too ancient a reference. I suggest upgrading to 6.9s version. That is the latest. However by upgrading to your new system, you will lose most functionality.
"She" or as I would like to be called "Sheniqua"...will do my best to find both big and stupid for you. *bzzz* there was a system overload of that description. Let me check your talk/chat activity. I see you've been talking to hairy, bearded men. I will have to add that to the anal-lysis.
U R I E L What is done in the dark will always come to light
Sheniqua...hilarious! I don't yet want for romantic involvement with an OS but, i will confess to setting my GPS ladies voice to British accent and have sometimes caught myself smirking like an idiot while driving...Because i think "she" sounds hot.