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New video to star Monica Bellucci?
  • 62 Comments sorted by
  • Mmm i have to agree. It is the worst Frapp video. But the song is right up there as one of my faves. Defo my best on TOU. Anyway, Bedtime.
  • Simone certainly seems to make sense given the wardrobe choices we've heard about. The song is about a mother whose daughter steals her lover, right?  While Alison played a motherly figure in the Annabel video, somehow I don't think she'd be to keen on portraying Belluci's mother.  I'm guessing Belluci is the mother and if she's represented, Simone is some unknown actress. 

    The whole thing makes me think of the recent HBO adaptation of Mildred Pierce starrting Kate Winslet and Evan Rachel Wood.  The director Todd Haynes did such a magnificent job with the scene in which Winslet discovers Wood in bed with her new hubbie.  Wood, under the covers, lush 1940s Jessica Rabbit hair, dead eyes, cigarette lit looks right at her mother, slowly removes the covers, slowly reveals her shockingly nude body as she slides out of bed as the slightly dissonant strings cut in and she walks luxuriously to the mirror to comb her hair.  Good stuff. 

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