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Bringing Some Perspective: A Reflection
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  • I'm surely not going to follow this silly thread through from start to finish to figure this out but, if the comment

    "surely the continuous chain smoking and the cosmetic teeth surgery must have their impact on the vocals? Doesn’t appear that the singer takes her vocal abilities that seriously at all."

    refers to Alison, maybe it's not common knowledge but, she quit smoking some years ago.
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:06:16
  • Lisa said:

    Did any of you lot watch the clip Mirror posted? It's quite a weird copy of Goldfrapp around the Supernature era.
    I've been hearing it quite a lot, it's also used in a few television programmes over here.

    I wonder if they've decided not to let their music be used in ads anymore, and now the ad buffs are just making blatant, cheap copies? 
    Would like to know what Alison thinks about it.. [insert angry Alison smiley]

    yeah i did, does sound very 'supernature-y' yes. 
    i guess if your music or a facsimile is gonna be used in an ad you'd rather it was acknowledged so you got paid! (everyones gotta pay the mortgage blah blah...) 

    some of HF was used on some sky ads when that was out, hmmm hard to say with the new stuff when i've not heard it. from a business point of view for the record company/management i guess ads are a good thing? i wonder what input and/or control the band themselves have over if its done? and if so what products its used with? do you know anything about that?
    Post edited by ping at 2013-06-29 10:20:56
  • Ooh La La was massive commercially, I hated how everywhere it was!

    But yeah I've also heard that imitation of Ooh La La bloody everywhere, usually on gok wan shows or health and lifestyle progammes.

    Have to say Goldfrapp have been on adverts since FM era, remember the opening bars of Deer Stop accompanying a car advert, I remember the car being silver aswell lol, I think this was before I even knew who Goldfrapp were and recognised the song after the fact.
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:05:40
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:05:32
  • Lisa said:

    I don't think the band get any input at all, Ping!

    Probably just a matter of a few exchanged letters between ad companies and the management and that's it!
    I would like to think that the band atleast has to approve what product they'll eventually be associated with, but I'm more afraid that's not actually the case.

    hmmm, sounds like a potential recipe for disaster! ha!

    Lisa said:

    I did read a really interesting article about these "band copy songs" that advertisement agencies use.
    Will see if I can find it!

    yes i would read that if you find it

    edit: you beat me to post!
    Post edited by ping at 2013-06-29 10:30:23
  • [Deleted]

    Post edited by Lisa at 2013-07-04 05:05:13
  • Lisa said:

    Lisa said:

    Ah, here it is, it's actually from the Sigur Rós website. They explain the whole process in detail,

    including a dozen or more clips with so-called "inspired" music.

    that must be really frustrating, especially when you're consciously trying to stay away from that are of things.
  • Mirror said:

    A few
    reflections: of course Mirror did marvel at
    and Utopia, but the question
    is, can she actually still reach the high notes, and does she still experiment
    with her voice? Or is she merely content being the sultry siren? Surely the
    continuous chain smoking and the cosmetic teeth surgery must have their impact
    on the vocals? Doesn’t appear that the singer takes her vocal abilities that
    seriously at all.

    Mirror seems to recall the singer herself commenting on the range of her voice
    dropping a lot lower?

    I think it's been a well-known fact for a long time by now that Alison's voice has definitely changed over the years. Smoking probably did most of the damage, but it was her choice and there's not much we can do about it. On top of that, she is getting older all the time and that most likely has and (more importantly) will continue to have some impact on her voice, too. Your cosmetic surgery theory sounds a bit odd, though. I would very much like to see some hardcore scientific evidence about how straightening your teeth could possibly cause your range of voice to drop lower?

    Personally, I really don't think Alison can hit the highest notes anymore. During the Head First era, there were a lot of videos of Alison singing Utopia live on Youtube. It seemed pretty clear (to me at least) that they used a playback at the beginning of the song.

    Nonetheless, I wouldn't say that she has become "merely content" with anything. I actually think she sounds a lot better now than over ten years ago. I don't think she has stopped experimenting with her voice either, because fuck, she can still do amazing things vocally! And I'm hoping the next album will do more than just prove that point. ;)
  • nicely put Minsku,

    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-07-04 10:51:26
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • "And I come back to find

    The stars displaced

    And the smell of a world

    That is burned"


    "However, Mirror will leave you"

    Best thing stated on this whole thread.  If it were only true.

    And, let me just re-phrase my earlier comment after reading this first, ultra-offensive post in this troll-work by a pier glass with no reflection.

    I'm surely not going to follow this silly abusive, offensive, vicious thread...

    This person has come here clearly to do nothing but inflame and offend.  It honesly makes me ill.

    I wrote a diatribe on the subject that rounded out as a short novelette but decided no one really cares that much about behaviour in another's home.

    Post edited by Whickwithy at 2013-06-29 13:10:35
  • It is an abusive thread indeed. It's a shame that it's brought out the ugly in so many.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • iuventus said:

    It is an abusive thread indeed. It's a shame that it's brought out the ugly in so many.

    Vehemently agree but, also, believe that was the clear intent.  The best I can think of until a moderator is found is to abandon any and all discussions with the poor reflective surface involved.  This is the last you will see of me here.  What a travesty that this thread has more comments and views than just about any other.  That also makes me physically ill.
  • ...believe that was the clear intent.

    But how long can we continue to blame Mirror for our reactions?

    What a travesty that this thread has more comments and views than just about any other. That also makes me physically ill.

    Travesty? Physical illness? Really? That's about a dramatic as I've seen here in the last several days. Surely, you're more self-aware than that? As for myself, I can't keep away. It's like those lazy Sunday evenings when I can't seem to turn off the Law and Order: SVU marathons, but funnier.

    If I were dead, could I do this?

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