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Little Red Book SlideShow
  • I've put a little slideshow together of the scanned images I got from the little red book. I thought it would be a nice little nod to this years Felt Mountain 20th Anniversary :)

    The picture quality wasn't great to begin with, the book is printed in CMYK so the scans i made have your typical little dots all over the image, i've done my best to try and improve the quality.

    Enjoy! XXX

    Post edited by cookiee_munster at 2020-03-23 06:18:14
  • 6 Comments sorted by
  • wonderful, cookiee. Thank you
  • Very thoughtful, thank you!

  • I went back and re-scanned the book again and tried to clean up the images a little better. the little CYMK dots are a bit annoying to try and disguise.

    anyway, here's a better version -

    old video has been deleted
  • Hi, is it possible to get these pics by E-Mail?
    Greetings from Germany.
  • How was the book Distributor back then?
  • GMM32 said:

    Hi, is it possible to get these pics by E-Mail?
    Greetings from Germany.

    Hey, I need to have a dig around for the digital images. I'll let you know once they've been emailed. Unsure who distributed them. I think apart from the credits in the book there's no real mention of who actually made it. You might have some luck asking someone at MUTE? I'd love it if there was a reprint. Unfortunately the images in the book have been printed CMYK and the dots are really visible. I really tried my best to blend everything better, some of them came out ok. The one of Will was perhaps the most challenging.

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