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  • 118 Comments sorted by
  • My guess is that even perfectionist Alison would have approved the 2014 Royal Albert Hall gig for dvd release !.
    Post edited by react010 at 2017-03-22 03:58:28
  • 1st time i've seen these on Youtube. Lovely Head, Utopia, Physical FIB 2001. Enjoy ! 
    photo 48d99ea1-4ff3-47b4-a076-5c9c0bc0a716_zpsbb643bce.jpg
  • Nice one Micky, thanks for these.
  • Just a beautiful 2013 video before 'Silver Eye' breaks loose.
    (the 'emotional' version of Yellow Halo - Alison's mother had just died :(.
    Post edited by react010 at 2017-03-23 00:21:56
  • I can't handle that one. Poor thing tried so hard to get through it, but you could see in her eyes that she just wanted the show to end and to hide away and be left alone for a bit. A tragic song, but surprisingly performed several times on the ToU tour. Proud of her for getting through the emotionality of the track and being strong.
  • Someone said to me (on facebook yesterday) that he cried when he saw this video .. well that's beautiful i think. Goldfrapp can be 'technically' cold in music sometimes, but sometimes they are SO emotional.. and i love them for it both.
    Post edited by react010 at 2017-03-23 01:49:47
  • I couldn't love them anymore if I tried. Alison is such a total sweetheart of a woman, and Will is so warm and calm, akin to a cool uncle with a passion for tech. They're both beautiful human beings and really deserve the best in every way.
    Post edited by Slippage at 2017-03-23 00:30:00
  • I always liked Yellow Halo, but when I heard that there were ties to her mother with it I found it even more special.

    Bit of nonsense trivia, but I nearly had my first car accident while Yellow Halo was playing one time.  Not played it as often since :P
    Soon be nothing of this world.
  • react010 said:

    Just a beautiful 2013 video before 'Silver Eye' breaks loose.
    (the 'emotional' version of Yellow Halo - Alison's mother had just died :(.


    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • I remember her crying during BC on the Head First tour.

    It was the first time I had listened to any Frapp for nearly 5 years, as it was too painful a reminder of a failed relationship. Going to that gig was to be a symbol of my recovery. Naturally, as soon as Alison started crying, I bawled.
  • Pretty poignant song for it too, whispered.
    Soon be nothing of this world.
  • Gaelen said:

    Pretty poignant song for it too, whispered.

    Exactly -I still have to watch myself when its played. I bet a lot of people here have special associations with particular songs. There might have been a thread or two here along those lines once, but maybe not everyone wants to open their heart on the internet...!
  • Youtube isnt an option for radio6music .. blocked :(.
    Post edited by react010 at 2017-03-24 19:56:45
  • Shiny & Warm .. yesterday @Roundhouse
    Post edited by react010 at 2017-03-28 08:47:51
  • With the resent chatter about her live performances sounding so perfect they are lipped, surely this is lipped?

    Soon be nothing of this world.

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