Ponygurl said:Well I see everyone just ignored my brilliant, insightful 'Poe' allusion. As we say in the states "whatever motherfuckers." ....carry on.
There's that subconscious of yours, UT. Still trying to get through....Urban_Tribesman said:What is really funny Whispered, is that I looked that up before I wrote it as I could not remember the exact phrase, and when you type in 'one man's milk, you get a lot of hits that finish with 'is another man's poison.'
Then I found the phrase has another meaning....
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mans Milk
Gulp ! ( sorry, couldn't resist) !
Whickwithy said:About the only one that attempts to participate nicely with others on this sites is UT. Just saying....
whispered said:^ yes, part is due to the inaccessibility of the forum, with all the barriers to joining. In some other message boards that I frequent, individuals often seem to go missing, but the sheer weight of numbers in the group overall means that there is always someone around with an opinion to share or a comment to add. Unfortunately, because there are so few of us here, it only takes a couple people to think, "Mmm, I have nothing to say about that..." and the comment goes unanswered.
Low said:
Whickwithy said:You know, PG, that is what bothers me the most about this site. Not the sling of arrows as much as the way most people's comment go completely ignored. About the only one that attempts to participate nicely with others on this sites is UT. Just saying....
Ponygurl said:Well I see everyone just ignored my brilliant, insightful 'Poe' allusion. As we say in the states "whatever motherfuckers." ....carry on.
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