Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
  • 54 Comments sorted by

  • Ponygurl said:

    Well I see everyone just ignored my brilliant, insightful 'Poe' allusion. As we say in the states "whatever motherfuckers." ....carry on.

    Heaven forfend, PG. I have simply been reeling from the brilliance of that insight. What more could I add?
    "There is no exquisite beauty without some strangeness in the proportion" Edgar Allan Poe

    Post edited by whispered at 2017-02-15 04:18:46
  • What is really funny Whispered, is that I looked that up before I wrote it as I could not remember the exact phrase, and when you type in 'one man's milk, you get a lot of hits that finish with 'is another man's poison.'
    Then I found the phrase has another meaning....

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Mans Milk
    Gulp ! ( sorry, couldn't resist) !

    There's that subconscious of yours, UT. Still trying to get through....
  • In Latino sex, it's sometimes called leche.

    "Ay, papi! Un, dos, tres leches!"
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • You know, PG, that is what bothers me the most about this site.  Not the sling of arrows as much as the way most people's comment go completely ignored.  About the only one that attempts to participate nicely with others on this sites is UT.  Just saying....
  • Ironically, WW & PG, I did respond to the comment in question. Even quoted it.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Sorry, Iuv, if I offended.  Didn't mean to.  It just suddenly struck me what has annoyed me about  the new messageboard (I still blame it mostly on the new messageboard itself - it's just not friendly feeling like Paulo's).  It just seems a lot of the time like  that picture of hell where there are a thousand voices and none of them are being heard.  Yeah, in actuality, the steady people here, the one's that have stayed through thick and thin, do seem to make the attempt to converse.  Though, I can point to some (the finger is currently pointing at me) that occasionally go a little crazy.  Yeah, I'll blame that on the board, as well.
  • ^ yes, part is due to the inaccessibility of the forum, with all the barriers to joining. In some other message boards that I frequent, individuals often seem to go missing, but the sheer weight of numbers in the group overall means that there is always someone around with an opinion to share or a comment to add. Unfortunately, because there are so few of us here, it only takes a couple people to think, "Mmm, I have nothing to say about that..." and the comment goes unanswered.

  • Offended? Nah. Maybe amused.

    In response to your complaint, and a valid one, I find that I sometimes miss vital bits and pieces of conversations and have no idea what's going on. By the time the work day is over, comments get lost on previous pages or behind diatribes and lengths of banter. Sometimes, I come across comments days later. Remember, too, that we're in various time zones.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  •  About the only one that attempts to participate nicely with others on this sites is UT.  Just saying....

    Erm... I can think of a few others as well?

  • whispered said:

    ^ yes, part is due to the inaccessibility of the forum, with all the barriers to joining. In some other message boards that I frequent, individuals often seem to go missing, but the sheer weight of numbers in the group overall means that there is always someone around with an opinion to share or a comment to add. Unfortunately, because there are so few of us here, it only takes a couple people to think, "Mmm, I have nothing to say about that..." and the comment goes unanswered.

    That is probably the problem, lack of numbers.  I mean, with the old site, there were a lot more people.  Maybe that is the main difference.
  • Low said:

    Erm... I can think of a few others as well?

    I hope you see I corrected that but, really, UT seems to try the hardest.  I used to but pretty much gave up.  I realize that the topics that interest me are of little interest to most people.
  • The day I stop trying to be polite and respectful to others on here is the day I stop bothering with the forum.
    Not letting this turn into anything akin to my experience with the Madonna forums (a vicious, dramatic nightmare of a place if I've ever seen one). UT certainly isn't the only one making an effort, lol!

    And I know what it's like too to have one's discussions ignored! I remember posting my Tales of Us review from my website and the thread got completely ignored and suffocated by completely unrelated conversation, lol! Though, if anything, I just shrugged and chuckled. 
    Post edited by Slippage at 2017-02-15 12:48:54
  • You know, PG, that is what bothers me the most about this site.  Not the sling of arrows as much as the way most people's comment go completely ignored.  About the only one that attempts to participate nicely with others on this sites is UT.  Just saying....

    I think it's a time issue myself. I crave meaningful conversation, which I don't get enough of in daily life..but time factors in. I even like slings and arrows. I know iuv did respond, but I wanted intercourse more than a quip. I mean that in a non-sexual way of course.

    And back on Topic, Lee is one of my absolute favorites..haunting.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2017-02-15 12:45:33
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light
  • Note to self: Check length and depth of posts with Ponygurl.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • Ponygurl said:

    Well I see everyone just ignored my brilliant, insightful 'Poe' allusion. As we say in the states "whatever motherfuckers." ....carry on.

    Too busy squabbling about semantics!
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.

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