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Goldfrapp in unexpected places..........
  • 301 Comments sorted by
  • Happiness in JJB is what first got me hooked on them. Yeah.

  • Hiya Low! Longtime no see:)
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • Hi A_is_A :) Your noticing me has made me realise how little I've posted on the boards recently. Either that or I haven't been saying anything that engaging :P
    Post edited by Low at 2015-01-07 11:55:12

  • "Caravan Girl" just now in Flog It
  • Flog It and Countryfile both like a bit of Frapp, I've noticed before. I heard a few chords of A and E the other day on some programme, can't remember what it was now....mixed in with a bit of Depeche, and lots of other stuff. Now what was it? :-/
  • 2:00 a.m. walk due to insomnia and a very familiar motif appeared in 2nd story neighbors apartment building 

  • Decorative!
    I heard a terrible story today about how that catch wild wolves in the tundra. It was really gruesome, I've spent have the day trying to forget about it. Thanks a lot Stevil.
    Post edited by A_is_A at 2015-03-09 22:30:09
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • @A_is_A Could you send me the link; I saw it (or something similar) on a friend's fb page, but alas! I cannot read Latin American Spanish at that level, let alone Castilian Spanish.
    Post edited by iuventus at 2015-03-10 01:42:59
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • A_is_A said:

    I heard a terrible story today about how that catch wild wolves in the tundra. It was really gruesome, I've spent have the day trying to forget about it. Thanks a lot Stevil.

    HA sorry :(
  • Hmm, not sure if this counts, but...

    At work I got roped into, wait for it, sitting on the Northern Electrification Task Force (it's glamorous on the railways, isn't it!), and to my slight surprise the fairly passionate technical advisor whimsically suggested that our group's output might get more political momentum if we adopted a nice anthemic theme song...  

    Needless to say he wasn't educated enough to appreciate the obvious suggestion of Strict Machine, still less my warning that unfortunately the cutbacks mentality of the Department for Transport would of course lead to the song's refrain morphing from "Wonderful Electric" to "Tolerable Diesel"..........


    Post edited by 37201xoIM at 2015-03-22 16:09:22
  • Strict machine has just appeared on a documentary about Sir Sterling Moss - backing to a piece about the Vanwall single seat racer. Hang on - still watching and now Clown's has made an appearance. Clearly the music man likes the Frapp
    What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about?
  • I've heard the intro for 'Let it take you' on a Jeremy Kyle UK advert for the past few months now! It's on the lie detector advert which they show in between external adverts and after the shows intro! Anyone else picked up on this?
  • I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • You'd be proud of me folks just been into Dixons at Heathrow and set their Bluetooth sound system to play Goldfrapp from my phone. A woman walked in, stood and listened to Strict Macine and bought the system! The power of GF!
    What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about?
  • \:D/ Nice one Appy!!!

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