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Goldfrapp in unexpected places..........
  • 301 Comments sorted by
  • You get really involved with the audience. Do people ever come up with something that throws you?

    Yeah, all the time, but that’s the fun of it. Sometimes stuff happens
    that you think would completely ruin the show. For example, I did one
    gig where the fire alarm went off. That could knacker the whole thing.
    The audience had to be evacuated. But I went outside and just continued
    doing the gig while everyone was standing around. And there was a little
    kid there, probably about 12, with the fire engines behind me, and got
    people to take pictures of me, so it looked like I was saving a child’s
    life. Then we all went back in, and I came onstage and brought the fire
    brigade out with me like a chorus line, and we all took a bow. And I was
    thinking “The firemen will be loving that,” and one of them just went
    “Don’t go thinking you’re special, I’ve already been onstage with


    I take the needle off the Technics and put it in my vein
  • First time in Liverpool: just went straight into a restaurant called The Egg Cafe serving very delicious vegetarian food and they played Seventh Tree in its entirety. Looks like I already found my favourite spot on the first try.
    Be patient.
  • First time in Liverpool: just went straight into a restaurant called The Egg Cafe serving very delicious vegetarian food and they played Seventh Tree in its entirety. Looks like I already found my favourite spot on the first try.

    The first time I was in Liverpool, I had a rather odd experience.  (Nothing to do with Goldfrapp, but what the hey.)

    It was in 1966.  Shortly after I arrived in the town, a seemingly drunken American woman approached me, and asked the way to Yates' Wine Lodge.  I replied: "I'm afraid I don't know.  This is the first time I've been here.  I'm from Southend."  She replied: "Southend?  Say -- do you know Rochford?"  Then she staggered away before I could reply: "I was born there".  (And I was born there.  I've often wondered since what her connection was with Rochford.)
    Post edited by Pet at 2014-10-12 19:07:52
  • Look who was featured on 6 Musics "boy/girl duos" as they called it
  • Not really unexpected but Tom Ravenscroft ( Son of John Peel if you didn't know) played Time out from the World tonight on 6 Music. Not a common song on the radio.
    Sweet !
    The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ.
    Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit.
    Shall lure it back to cancal half a line,
    Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.
  • This is pretty well the opposite of Goldfrapp in unexpected places -- Goldfrapp no longer in a place where they once were.

    We don't live near Camberwell, but my housemate sometimes works in that area.  He recently brought home some shopping purchased in a branch of Iceland just round the corner from where the Happiness video was shot (Addington Square SE5).
  • Not really unexpected but Tom Ravenscroft ( Son of John Peel if you didn't know) played Time out from the World tonight on 6 Music. Not a common song on the radio.
    Sweet !

    That is one darn sexy sounding little tune  :P
  • Time out from the world used by Universal Channel as a 5 drama show trailer - double whammy this week!
    What if the Hokey Cokey is what it's all about?
  • Hilarious Facebook incident this morning. Alison posting a picture and not crossing her home address out properly! Something said don't google it but resistance is weak. Nice house love ;)
  • I saw that this morning and have ( honestly) been a bit worried ever since. I see the tweet has been removed. I won't be sat - naving it and lurking in the bushes lol. The dangers of social media huh? Hope this doesn't spoil their Christmas...I'm sure we are all a very respectful well meaning bunch.
  • ^
    It's been removed from FB too quite rightly. I bet she said "shit" really loudly when she realised. Lol!
  • Crumbs!  I'm not on Twitter, and don't look at Facebook very often, so I missed that faux pas.  Crumbs!
  • Hahaha she also tweeted "Oh phooey silly Ms Gelo" :D There was an article with her last year, showed even inside her house. Nicely decorated.

    Also my unexpected place would be Friday Night Lights. Julie had a poster of Supernature on her bedroom wall.
  • I heard Rocket at the gym the other day and it thrilled me cuz that's just how I fell in love with them in the first place. They don't get much play here in Miami, it's a shame.
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • Really A? I hear them played around here alot- it's always a bit of shock and amusement. I mean, I was eating at a breakfast place called First Watch here, and they played something off of 7th Tree. Mostly I hear them being played in dept. stores or cafes. Love.
    Post edited by Ponygurl at 2015-01-02 13:27:23
    U R I E L
    What is done in the dark will always come to light

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