KatRobin said:Hmm...interesting picture...kinda reminds me of my old hamster backing herself into a tube! She was Muffin (Alsion looks like a cupcake in this pic). Long may she rest in piece, cute little fluffy thing that she was (Muffin that is).
KatRobin said:Ping.....no link?! ( or IS IT JUST ME HA HA!!)
ping said:you might be interested in this:
wild_corgi said:Thanks for the link - interesting.
Open question here, should falsetto count towards vocal range or not? yes they're singing it, but no it's not produced the same way as normal singing ... Not every bloke can do it, but those who can have an extra high extension to their range. I'm in two minds about it, myself..
Urban_Tribesman said:
The_Carpathian said:I've never liked the term Diva - it's too tied up with the notion of being or somehow not about the music/voice. Whilst I understand that's often not the fault of the person involved, but more a label put onto them, it still gets things off on the wrong foot.
Just my thought!
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