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So..? Catch me up? We're getting new vids in 2014?
  • 42 Comments sorted by
  • Ooooh release them in 1080p quality in iTunes please or on BluRay. :-)
    “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous." — Queen Victoria
  • i wasn't going to touch this thread again....and i've pondered it for over a week.....but i'm all about transparency....

    i had NO idea that i knew the person who posted the remaining films on youtube...i know them very well......and found out that the reason the links didn't work was that within 2 hours of my post.....Lisa G. herself was on the youtube poster to delete the links.....they disabled the links as private....but that wasn't enough.......she wasn't very....um.....let's say friendly ...i get it....but come on...when you want us to go viral with stuff we do.....and we sell cds and concert tix ......not complaining....i love the product......but then don't act so rudely when you are asking someone to respect your art.....not impressed w/ L.G.s approach...especially since IT WAS THE PRODUCTION COMPANY'S FAULT THEY LEAKED

    remember who keeps it vital......the fans

  • i give that post ^^^^ about 2 more hours to be there

  • Whatever, Stevil.  Your friend's just lucky it wasn't Mute's lawyers, rather than simply the director herself.  And, frankly, when it comes to talented artists -- Lisa G certainly proving herself to be one -- who cares how "nice" they are.  To me, it's all about the art. I'm not looking to be friends with them, I just want to admire and enjoy their work. 
  • I can't imagine what harm it's done. It's not as though there are big box-office receipts at stake. I'd guess that, if anything, it helped promote the music.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • who knows what kind of strategic release they had planned?  Perhaps it was going to suddenly appear on their YouTube channel, perhaps they were going to "give" it to an outlet with high viewership and influence (ala Pitchfork) to make the exclusive debut.  whatever the plan, it's lost some of that new car smell.  Sure, that's the production company's fault, but no reason to make it worse.  It's nice that as dedicated fans we all take a sense of ownership in this work, but it's their product, they get to decide when/how/if it gets released. 
  • ...but it's their product, they get to decide when/how/if it gets released. 

    That's not so much the case these days.
    If I were dead, could I do this?
  • anyone wanna guess who horsetearz is?

  • You got me, stevil.  It's me, Maus. 
  • thought so 

  • i always knew that Maus is able to speak and write properly, in fact i think that she's the new deer moderator
  • So did I miss anything? Wots the fuss about this time? I hope u lot r playing nicely etc :D
    Post edited by thathurt at 2014-01-17 19:55:33

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