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Head First... best to worst...
  • 74 Comments sorted by
  • Perhaps W&A's weakest album but I can't understand why so many are down on it...

    01. VoiceThing
    02. Shiny & Warm
    03. Hunt
    04. Rocket
    05. Believe
    06. Headfirst
    07. I Wanna Life
    08. Dreaming
    09. Alive
    Post edited by TheKevster at 2013-07-28 15:56:42
  • I still can't believe there are people who don't have Hunt first :D

    {looks sternly at certain list orders in the thread}

    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • I still can't believe there are people who don't have Hunt first :D

    {looks sternly at certain list orders in the thread}

    It and Dreaming are very very good.

  • again, based solely on the # of listens:

    1. Dreaming

    2. I Wanna Life

    3. Voicething

    4. Rocket

    5. Alive

    6. Head First

    7. Hunt

    8. Shiny & Warm

    9. Believer

  • 1/ Head First
    2/ Rocket
    3/ Voicething
    4/ Alive
    5/ I wanna life
    6/ Dreaming
    7/ Alive
    8/ Hunt
    9/ Believer
  • Best to worst:

    None of the tracks
    All of the tracks.

    The entire album is dreadful.
  • Pet said:

    Best to worst:

    None of the tracks
    All of the tracks.

    The entire album is dreadful.

    all of the tracks
    none of the tracks

    the entire album is amazing.
  • Pet said:

    Best to worst:

    None of the tracks
    All of the tracks.

    The entire album is dreadful.

    all of the tracks
    none of the tracks

    the entire album is amazing.

    I agree that the entire album is amazing.  I was amazed that Goldfrapp perpetrated it.
  • 1. Dreaming [9/10]
    2. Rocket [9/10]
    3. Hunt [8/10]
    4. Voicething [7/10]
    5. I Wanna Life [7/10]
    6. Head First [5/10]
    7. Alive [4/10]
    8. Believer [3/10]
    9. Shiny and Warm [2/10]

    While I liked the idea of Goldfrapp doing the 80s, Head First came across more as an 80s tribute album.  I would love to see them make a proper synth album, but with a good melodic and atmosphereic balance.  Think about OMDs Architecture & Morality or Dazzle Ships.  After Head First, I can't imagine them returning to a pure synth album, which is sad for me. 

    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.
  • 1 Shiney and Warm
    2 Believer
    3 Dreaming
    4 Hunt
    5 Rocket
    6 Alive
    7 Voicething
    8 Head First
    9 I Wanna Life
  • So sad to see I Wanna Life so far down on the lists! :(

    1. I Wanna Life
    2. Dreaming
    3. Rocket
    4. Believer
    5. Hunt
    6. Shiny & Warm
    7. Alive
    8. Voicething
    9. Head First
  • So sad to see I Wanna Life so far down on the lists! :(

    I have a great affection for the song, not least as I love Doctor Who so much ;)

    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline
  • So sad to see I Wanna Life so far down on the lists! :(

    I have a great affection for the song, not least as I love Doctor Who so much ;)

    Haha, that's a relief :)

    I love how thick the synth lines are on this track... and they lyrics sung with Alison's mixture of low and high vocals!
  • 1. Alive - I'm sorry, how is the reaction to this song so mixed? Just listen to the glorious harmonies of Alison's multitracked voice, the MASSIVE synths after the chorus, the piano... like, amazing.
    2. Believer - A lot more subtle than the rest of the album but it feels like a total rush. Yum.
    3. Head First - Euphoric and preeeeetttyyyy.
    4. Dreaming - From here they get a bit samey. Lovely track but repetitive.
    5. Hunt - Nice production, but again, not terribly memorable.
    6. Shiny and Warm - Catchy and stuff, just not terribly exciting.
    7. I Wanna Life - Again, nice but fluff. More memorable than the previous two though.
    8. Voicething - Feels more like an experiment than something they should have put on the album. So relaxing though.
    9. Rocket - Bleh. Fun, I guess, but whereas on other tracks they imitated the classic 80's style, here it feels like they emulated a bad track from the 80's. The lyrics are too damn obtuse.
  • Having revisited the album, I'm warming to it gradually. I think what has done it for me is the fact that I've been listening to it using headphones. I've heard sounds and bits I have not heard in the past. The more I hear the album, the more I realize it is just a really fun album. Still, it will be my least favourite for years to come, because I can't imagine them attempting something like it again. To make a worse album, they would have to go full metal / thrash / doom / speed metal, and I don't see that happening soon.
    I hope that you die in a decent pair of shoes
    You got a lot more walking to do where you're going to.

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