That's nice of you to ask Alan, I'm training to be and opera singer so working up the ladder, which involves exams and lessons and theory! I hate the theory but it's necessary to proceed in a opera/classical sense :)
Do you think that Chinese spam guy is actually just trying to learn english? I mean it's pretty horrific, don't you know.
OR, they are supposed to be trying to crack into a lot of government databases. Sheesh! Maybe they agree with us that Goldrapp is so awesome, they need to find out how they do it!!!.
I can already see Carpy getting worried that I will babble all over the forum. But, no, I won't get that drunk. I wouldn't want you worried, Carpy, about anything!.
Now that Sartori has pointed it out (and I ran across another example of it on the MIF thread, which I almost corrupted but decided to move to chit-chat), the plural or singular verb choice for a group of individuals (like "group" or "crowd") is just fascinating. Is it a single group? Or a bunch of individuals? I just can't even hardly wrap my mind around it. So, as a guest on a UK website, I feel I should apologize for using the singular but not much chance of changing my usage. What can I say? I'm easily fascinated. I just keep trying to think of borderline cases, like "The groups", which is obviously plural but does that make a single group singular? Well, anyways... I doubt anyone but me is captivated by such nonsense....
So, basically, I've met this rather lovely doe-eyed gentleman, and I'm about to make my move. I'm working on a draft of a note I plan to send him. Please, feel free to offer any sound advice. This is what I have so far:
Dear Sexy Knickers,
I don't half fancy you. Meet me outside at five thirty, and we'll get it together.
Might I suggest some small amendments? A more appropriate opening might be "Dear Sir or Madam", and any reference to undergarments should be made only after your Diamond wedding anniversary and only then couched in the most delicate and indirect way (a suitable term might, for example, be "unmentionables").
These are the guidelines that have preserved my own moral purity these past fifty three years.