Welcome to the new Goldfrapp forum. Enjoy your new home! X
Entertain me! (the twisted & disturbing are welcome)
  • Folks, it's all got a bit dull on here! A bit... "what's your favourite colour?" :-(

    The GMB used to be known for its anything-goes mentalness!

    Doesn't anyone have a freakish party trick? Any naked pictures of your granny? Any unfounded gripes against celebrities? Amusing body parts? A gift for erotic/exotic poetry? Illegal hobbies?

    Yes, I know I haven't been contributing much lately... I've just been too busy with that annoying "real-life" task... but will be freer come Sept :)

    Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-08-27 07:37:12
  • 1875 Comments sorted by
  • Hat tip for the title HJ! Let's see, twisted and disturbing...I rather like going to the dentist. I don't mind being a little scared and i remember being wildly turned on by Tim Curry dressed as Frankenfurter in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Oh yeah and i did get into lots of trouble playing doctor with my cousin once.
    Off the subject, or on...can you post a link to the pictures of the group of us at the bar at the Little Noise Hackney gig. I'm just curious. That was in fact exactly what i told my mother when she punished us by the way..."I'm just curious" :D 

    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • Haha, I also got into a situation "experimenting" with my cousin. :\">

    Here is a link to the pics I have from Hackney (2 in the venue & 2 in the pub).

    Good one of softlad. And fun to see Laura appearing in each one! :)

  • Folks, it's all got a bit dull on here! A bit... "what's your favourite colour?" :-(

    The GMB used to be known for its anything-goes mentalness!

    Doesn't anyone have a freakish party trick? Any naked pictures of your granny? Any unfounded gripes against celebrities? Amusing body parts? A gift for erotic/exotic poetry? Illegal hobbies?

    Yes, I know I haven't been contributing much lately... I've just been too busy with that annoying "real-life" task... but will be freer come Sept :)

    Yes , it is , I feel no "muse" moments at this time , I`m not a fan of best-to-worst threads personally , I think they`re "we`ve run out of things to say" lazy threads (nothing personal to those that started them of course) , at least we are spared the a new thread everytime some `celebrity` passes away "RIP blah blah blah , I saw a record of his at a car boot sale once , he`ll be sadly missed" (see other forums for these) .  

     I think you and I were chatting in Manchester Elliot , where I was waffling explaining that I`m a fan of Spike Milligans idea where you are allowed one thing to hate without having to explain it at all...I feel slightly cheaty by having three - Jazz , Celine Dion and the song "Happiness" . I could happily include "Loose Woman" Jane McFuckingDonald in there as well but I think 3`s enough for now . Its not quite Room 101 as I don`t have to explain f` all and their only crime is annoying me ...that and Celine Dion sounds like a wounded moose .

    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • A_is_A said:

    Hat tip for the title HJ! Let's see, twisted and disturbing.

    Confession from Sartori : always thought you were a bloke AisA . Ta-da . Oops  :\">
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • ^ You really thought A_is_A was male?? lol There have been a few other pics knocking about, which would have cleared that up. :)

    Anyway, we know what to arrange for your birthday now. * goes on-line to book Celine Dion singing a jazz version of 'Happiness'... in your lounge. With interpretive dance by Jane McDonald. *

  • Note: The naked granny pics request was a joke. Please stop with the PMs now.
  • ^ You really thought A_is_A was male?? lol There have been a few other pics knocking about, which would have cleared that up. :)

    Anyway, we know what to arrange for your birthday now. * goes on-line to book Celine Dion singing a jazz version of 'Happiness'... in your lounge. With interpretive dance by Jane McDonald. *

    Shudders ......I`m sending my crack team of Badger Marines around to poke you through your letterbox ;)  .
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • Haha, I also got into a situation "experimenting" with my cousin. :\">

    Here is a link to the pics 

    i thought that was gonna be pics of you and your cousin 'experimenting', i wasn't too sure if i should look at first.

    i never experimented with my cousins, i did a bit with the girl next door when we were playing mums and dads, we were very young. its a bit weird when i think about it now.
    one horrific memory i have when it appeared i was doing some 'experimentation' but wasn't is.... my sister had got her navel pierced and hadn't told mum cause she thought she would get told off and she wanted the ring in it changed so she was lying back on her bed and i was kneeling down with my head down there trying to change this ring, anyhow mum walked in and we both jumped up all suspicious and mum didn't speak to us for several days. hahaha, i can't believe we were happier for her to think we were having incestuous oral sex rather than tell her my sister had her belly button pierced! 
  • ^Ha, brilliant! (and yes, I should have left a gap between the 2 things I was commenting on)

    BTW my experimentation wasn't actual sex. And she was obsessed with all things lovey-dovey so I blame it on her.

    My girlfriend's mum came into the bedroom once.. when I had my head up her skirt. She was like "What on earth?!" Sadly I couldn't think of a plausible excuse so I just sat there looking confused and... led-astray.

  • ^ Lou that was hilarious!!! Seriously, thanks for sharing that, too funny!
    The fear of Mothers wrath will make one do the darnedest things.

    Sartori said:

    Confession from Sartori : always thought you were a bloke AisA . Ta-da . Oops  :\">

    -It's quite alright, beneath this soft ladylike exterior beats the dark,weird heart of a gloomy romantic, slightly effeminate, dude.

    Thanks for posting the link HJ It was just what I wanted. I Believe SoftLad bought me a beer that night??? Is that him with the glasses to your left. He was very nice. Anyway, i wanted to see what i looked like two years ago, HJ...i think your exercise regimens is paying off. You look even better now?! Nice job.
    Post edited by A_is_A at 2013-08-27 23:25:04
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • Softlad is actually the guy doing the thumbs up! If you look to the right of each picture, you'll see names (of those in the pic). Hover over each name and it should highlight who/where they are in the picture? You prob mean Gary. :)

    Or.. hover over the person in the pic, and their name should appear. Magic!

    Oh, and thanks for the compliment! I have now done the thing that blokes often do from time to time... grown facial hair. Just a Van Dyke. EDIT: sorry, this one's more of a goatee.

    Post edited by Halloween_Jack at 2013-08-27 12:34:48
  • So I just sat there looking confused and... led-astray.

    Scoundrel :D

    I have to get back to work, bummer....
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL
  • Entertain me! (the twisted & disturbing are welcome)

    Just sanded down my patio table with the belt sander (which was the first time I`d used one - prefer a rotary one) , I`ll be candid about it , it was like trying to have a threesome with Jordan and an octopus/bagpipes combo .
    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"
  • tits and tentacles. nice!
    "its MY favourite song"
  • ^ That's Anime porn isn't it?!  Yes, i think I've seen that one...;)
    LOVE tasted CRITICAL

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