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Goldfrapp in unexpected places..........
  • We have a messenger app at work that everybody uses as a method of communication alongside phones, email and actually talking to each other.

    As it's only for internal use the image and description line can be altered to whatever we want. Mine is currently:-

    "I'm probably listening to Goldfrapp and drinking odd tea. That's how I roll."

    They already know I'm a fan-boy due to the ever cycling Goldfrapp desktops on my both my PC monitors.

    So, if you're in a very large multi-location UK comapny and see that then yes, it's me :D
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • 301 Comments sorted by
  • oh good, this thread got re-made! here's an odd one i stumbled across on youtube a while ago. a brief snippet of strict machine we are glitter mix was used in the opening of this performance by korean girl group 2NE1:

    unfortunately the rest of the performance is pretty bad, haha
    Post edited by ickygerm at 2013-06-13 21:31:27
  • This is a about as odd as you can get. I was out tonight to see Siouxsie Sioux, met up with a really lovely old friend, haven't seen for years. I don't drink much either these days, anyways we were in a bar by the River Thames, and I was trying to make out the music in the background, at first I thought it was Blondie Heart of Glass, I may actually be going deaf I don't deny it, but low and behold it was Goldfrapp, Rocket, but one of the remixes I forget which exactly I think it was the tiesto remix, I mean surprised or what. Siouxise and Goldfrapp enough said :x
    Post edited by Border_Mind at 2013-06-15 20:57:13
    It's a re-creation
    Again I live another life
    My imagination
    Can't cross the borderline

  • Not really an unexpected place but, well, judge for yourselves.... 
    The Space is accessible via T.V. which is where I was wading through all the good bits (Half Man Half Biscuit, Cabaret Voltaire, Mathew Herbert....) when lo and behold if one of it's Sonic Journeys it isn't Eastnor Castle Estate with Will Gregory.
  • I heard Rocket in Asda today.
    ickygerm said:

    unfortunately the rest of the performance is pretty bad, haha

    Yeah 2NE1's earlier work doesn't really do it for me, they got better but after hearing CL's recent solo effort i worry for them.
  • rewak said:

    Yeah 2NE1's earlier work doesn't really do it for me, they got better but after hearing CL's recent solo effort i worry for them.

    i actually really like her solo song up until the breakdown, then it just gets kind of lame
    i've heard that their comeback song this year is supposed to be reggae, i don't know if that'll make you feel better? :-??

    but hey that goldfrapp huh?
  • as i'm not a Depeche Mode fan, it was a surprise for me to find that they're performing Halo in Goldfrapp remix on this tour (not sure if it happened before)

    Post edited by subrussian at 2013-06-23 17:26:37
  • In a book of poetry by John Stammers, i transcribed the poem for those interested

    Interior Night by John Stammers

    Stunned by an iron-black fatigue, I am a man driven mad mental
    by a woman I'll never meet. I stagger stock-still
    beneath the poster for Supernature by Goldfrapp.
    Across the tubelines is her semi-nude music advert.
    Someone's daughter shed her clothes for that ad -
    or never put them on - in the name of art:
    the art of getting really famous so that strange men
    slake their concupiscence on your on tube platforms.
    I adore her high cork-heeled shoes.

    The unshaven, Caledonian guitarist
    sings the Dancer ad the Gate of Death,
    or something which sounds oddly like that,
    fierce and obscurely irreconcilable
    with any imaginable dance manoeuvres.
    He hammers the strings like a slaughtering drum,
    repetitious and bleakly sardonic,
    to the commuter girls' heel-strike
    like so many chisels on high-end, black marble.

    This is a day for jumping. This is not a day
    for jumping under; it is a day for jumping into
    the moment that is gone before landed in,
    into that arriving thwack which will rush me off
    to the end of the line and all points connecting.
    The rails boom to the oncoming train, plosive along the line
    to fuck-knows-anywhere-actually, further even.
    Travelling back and forth is its own form of stasis.
    'On attend le Metro,'
    a Frenchwoman outlines to her little girl.
    The resonance pounds in the gaps between noise
    as the sound survives the death of the song
    and the fluorescents judder with delayed silences.
    Consider the interiority of a coal-grey rat,
    purposeful knowing no purpose,
    that scurries between the tracks of disused lines.
    Invisible rain crashes from the inner sky.
    It always comes down to this:
    I am at the gate along a black tunnel.
    My personality lacks all cohesion. I am in fragments.

    Thank heavens for you at least, Alison Goldfrapp
    and your half-naked advert, your unconscionably elongated legs,
    the bare back of your bent wrist held fastidiously
    in place of your breast in a faux-breast, more breast than breast
    as these devices tend to be. Alison
    I could wait at the end of the line for you,
    for the exact pair of doors to slide fully across, to open
    so that I might enter manfully and with a true conviction.

    The twin black holes of the tunnel-ends
    suck the platform out like a flat, deflatable universe
    in the same way that the whole lunatic edifice
    will itself be sucked back to nought, the abiding nought.
    All things die, and when you die you're dead. End of.
  • Anybody else notice "lovely head" and another track were played on the "Horizon " programme this week ( Alice Roberts talking about human babies ). Schimmey
  • I didn't see them, but good spot :) welcome to the GMB Schimmey
    "its MY favourite song"
  • Just popped next door to see if they'll take my wheelie bin in on Wednesday night as I'll be....ahem.....elsewhere. We got talking and she asked where I'll be. Explained about MIF and mentioned Goldfrapp, to which she said:

    "Oh, she's pretty her, isn't she? Isn't she in her 40's or something but always looks so young and lovely."

    Gotta love my neighbours just that little bit more :D
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Neighbours were doing some gardening.

    Music was playing.

    Few early Kasabian tunes, which is good.

    Ooh La La comes on.

    "Is this Goldfrapp?" asks an unknown individual.

    "Yes!" yells Kiyu from inside his house.

    Fast forward twenty minutes and I've hopped over the wall, started drinking their rum, and added all the past bills from Virgin Media to the fire they'd got going.

  • The intro of Simone just was used in a Dutch television program. Weird.
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    "I think it is our job to dream"
  • Dreeke said:

    The intro of Simone just was used in a Dutch television program. Weird.

    Instrumental versions of Seventh Tree tracks were used in the week of its release here on Gardeners World.

    Seems they like to sneak things out when still pretty much unknown.
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Drew in the opening part of Countryfile!
  • ^ countryfile has always loved a bit of frapp :)

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