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  • 78 Comments sorted by
  • I take it the 2 BF4 videos were from E3, they look unbelievable . Squee. Cannae wait :)

    I keep an eye on bargains through UKhotdeals, the pre-release discounting on the ps4 has started already.

    "Read my posts and see why we`re not allowed nice things anymore"
    photo 5a6eb769-bc12-4596-bbe8-709fc2bb0d5e.jpg
    "Brought to you straight from the People`s Republic of There`s Something Wrong With You . The Hoi Polloi Capital of the World"

  • One of my concerns re the PS4 is the fact that it's going to be cooled by a fan. I've a first gen PS3 and after it's been on for 5 minutes it sounds like a vacuum cleaner - horrendous.

    Post edited by softlad at 2013-06-19 18:58:29
  • PLAYSTATION 4, been playstation since 29 september 1995 & always will..
    PS4 out on 29 november 2013 uk £349.99 but i might try & wait a bit, also i'm intrested in nintendo's wiiu (first time i've liked nintendo since the gamecube) just for the awesome/brilliant BAYONETTA 2.....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • My blu-ray player is older than something very old. The firmware updates have pretty much stopped and newer titles really struggles. Well, if the can get past the clicking boot of the drive in it, anyway.

    Tempted therefore to replace it not with another blu-ray but a PS3 Super Slim instead. Might start with a £120 12GB one and slot a cheap 2.5'' drive in it. Seems like win/win?
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • yeah with PS3 as long as it connetced to the internet updates are automatic so no waiting for downloads....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • My best PS3 games at the mo.....
    Hitman : Absolution.
    The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim
    Alice Madness Returns.
    Uncharted 3.
    Metal Gear Solid 4.
    God Of War III.
    Think that's it.....

    Yet to play : The Last Of Us.
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • Tempted therefore to replace it not with another blu-ray but a PS3 Super Slim instead.

    Your twitter feed suggests that this may have gone through with it?!  ;)
    Though we may deserve it, it will be worth it.

  • Tempted therefore to replace it not with another blu-ray but a PS3 Super Slim instead.

    Your twitter feed suggests that this may have gone through with it?!  ;)

    My hand was forced by my old blu-ray making the timing choice.

    How awful for me! :))
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • Playing Alice Madness Returns (PS3) for the 6th time just can't get enough off it....
    it's not the most perfect game i've played but i love the atmosphere & the hack 'n' slash gameplay to me it's perfect but to others it's poor. :(
    i hear that a 3rd Alice game is in the pipeline, i really hope so be great on PS4 with the next gen graphics touch. :)
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • I was going PS4 after Wii-U's lineup just keeps disappointing but pre-orders for it apparently started in June and those who did not preorder it then won't be able to order one until Q1 2014... whoa!
    “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous." — Queen Victoria
  • For those people who adored the game Mirror's Edge as much as I did:-

    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.
  • ^it gave me headaches..... :(
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • i'm looking more forward to WiiU's BAYONETTA 2 than PS4 or XBOXONE to be honest....
    Just Keep Things Simple.....
    Love Goldfrapp.....
  • jozzy81 said:

    i'm looking more forward to WiiU's BAYONETTA 2 than PS4 or XBOXONE to be honest....

    There are finally SOME good WiiU titles coming this spring, half a year from now for crying out loud.
    I am not sure what to get now. I guess I'll wait until 2014 and see the lineups. I am a sucker for Nintendo's own games anf a 3D Mario, Mario Kart and Donkey Kong are coming. But by then the PS4 might have a line up just as good. It's tough.
    “Beware of artists. They mix with all classes of society and are therefore most dangerous." — Queen Victoria
  • I have a funny feeling the Wii-U might be getting titles too late and by the time you go to have a re-look at this it'll be so cheap (ie they need to deperately shift them) that you'll be able to get both!
    A million fires before your harvest comes. To burn out.
    Wear the mask of a heathen. For the moon's lonely eyes.

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